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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. It adds a lot to it, doesn't it? I have to admit to doing the same!
  2. Why does ground control at NASA drink pepsi and coke? They couldn't get seven up. It was a very sad day, indeed. A teacher from our district was one of the finalists, and may have been a backup, or something like that, to get to go. I think I was 12 at the time, and I remember even then how sad it was.
  3. Twist away! Full body scanners without human intervention, maybe. I never said a thing about shoe scanning being unconstitutional. The shoe scanning is a knee-jerk reaction to one (or very few) case, from what I can tell.
  4. I think I have to agree with JRM here, that less human involvement would be ideal. The flip side to that is, people don't seem too keen on the full body scanners, which would likely be needed, and some human intervention would have to be there in the form of... wait for it... Profiling of some sort.
  5. Explosives don't set off METAL detectors. Explosives could theoretically be enclosed in clothing and go through the checkpoint without detection. How is that goes? Those who give up liberty for (a sense of) security have neither.
  6. Which could be argued to be a bit overboard, as well.
  7. She's due with another in June. I think the baby belly would get in the way on her CBR. Maybe she should borrow a cruiser for a while?
  8. I think it's more accurate to say that the TSA drew all the attention to him, and to them. I don't recommend just anyone do (maybe if everyone would, things would change) what he did, but I appreciate it, and stand by his right to do so! Most people would not know how to hand the situation and would end up in a heaping pile of trouble. I like how he remained calm, and never raised his voice, even once. I doubt I could do that.
  9. She's too busy poppin out kids. Happy Birthday anyway!
  10. No more Taco Bell, but we have Rt 62 BBQ now, and it more than makes up for it! There's also Burger King now, which I don't really care much for anymore. There was talk of a Chipotle coming in, but I'm still waiting on that one! I think I've been in the Autozone less than 5 times. The shop where I work has been dealing with Carquest for the 11 years that I've been there, and they continue to treat us right, and the quality on most parts is better. The ironic think is that Autozone owns the software company that we use for repair info, and billing!
  11. I've heard that story before. I also heard about a guy in Whitehall that had a carbureted car (in the 80's I think) that was getting around 100 MPG, that mysteriously disappeared.
  12. Which is about 5 or so seconds too late! It looks like he did try to stand it up, and hit the brakes, and maybe even try to avoid it, but it was too late.
  13. From what I read, I get that he "feels" safer that everyone's ID is checked, and that they're patting down everyone. Too bad warm mushy feelings won't fix everything, and keep us all safe.
  14. Not a good idea for me, 2 days in a row is a shitty idea. (Pun intended)
  15. What else is in that variety pack? (I'll probably look and find the answer before you reply, though.)
  16. You sure about that? When I brown ground beef, it's nearly that fine, if I take the time to work with it. The stuff I made for Taco's last night was pretty close to what they have, except I'm pretty sure it was all beef (unless Kroger is failing on their ground beef.)
  17. It tasted fine tonight when I had a double decker Taco, along with other stuff that didn't have ground "beef" in it.
  18. That's what I thought. I'll have to look into it. I think it may have been my VF500F that was said to be way under sprung for most riders. I believe it by the way if feels, too! I think Honda's approach to it was the air-pressure adjustment on the forks and shock. Sounds reliable to me!
  19. Hurry, someone threadjack it! No, really there is a bunch of good info flowing! Thanks guys that know what you're talking about! (Ok, even if you're just SOUNDING like you know what you're talking about! )
  20. I think I read something about some bikes actually being setup for a rider of 0 pounds! I have my doubts about this being truth, but would not be surprised if it is true!
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