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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Awww.. I figured it would be called Junkie's Junkers! I keed, I keed! Good luck with it all! It sounds like a big venture to be going into!
  2. Beh, I think Fonzie hacked into your account. You sound too much like this now: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=70310
  3. I'd like to see it as well. If I do, I'll be taking pics with my longest range lens, with the camera on a tripod.
  4. I hear it's pretty cool to listen too while watching some kid movie...
  5. So, I'm working on the Sam Adams winter brew pack. So far, the Chocolate Bock is good, Old Fezziwig Ale is good, Winter Ale is ok, and ironically (for the name) the Holiday Porter is not my friend.
  6. Shiddy got this one exactly right. It's just another sign of how screwed up our country is these days, and how much beauracracy (sp?) there is in everything.
  7. Here are a couple not so good pics from the partial lunar eclipse in 2008. It was cold, and I wasn't patient enough to get any good ones!
  8. It would have been a good idea, I agree. I could have been an actual investment, financially, and in pride!
  9. jporter12


    So, global warming cuased it.
  10. You're missing something. It's not cut and dry, rule according to the law, it's all about the interperatation of the law. Amirite?
  11. jporter12


    And I'm ok with that!
  12. So, you're saying this story wasn't much of a surprise?
  13. jporter12


    Some of us are smart eough to read the link and not just click on it Rolo...
  14. I won't say anything. We have 3 kids, and a 4th on the way. The irresponsible part is having kids that people can't afford to raise, or not raising them with good morals and a strong work ethic.
  15. I was too! So how DID you get across the border? I totally agree with you on sealing up the border, BUT... That's gonna cost money, too.
  16. I'm putting you at the front of the line. You CANNOT legislate intelligence and responsibility. I'ma have to call up Glenn Beck for an answer to the problem...
  17. But, was it to the Dark Side of the Moon?
  18. Very nice work! I don't like it, as it wouldn't go with anything we have, but in the right setting, that thing would look nice! I would price according to materials and time, plus some profit.
  19. You're a good man Charlie Brown. Good lookin out.
  20. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=57652
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