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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I leave a gap in front more times than I don't. I also try to get over, or let someone by that is riding my tail, unless I can speed up enough and not be dangerous, or go too much over the speed limit. It's not the track.
  2. I don't think most of us ride that way as the norm. I-270 is NOT the track, and most of the cars out on I-270 don't drive that well to begin with. If you decide to put yourself in that tight of a situation, you are putting your life in the hands of the other drivers. That's not something I'm about to do. Have I? Yes, in a pinch to get where I needed to be. Do I do it as the norm? Hell no! It's not something that I'm comfortable with, and I don't like it when I do it, on the bike, OR in the car.
  3. I have no doubts, it just had to be said!
  4. Thanks for making me feel old, being over the median age.
  5. Awww... Did I e-hurt your e-feelings?
  6. It doesn't matter if the cars were right or wrong, or if there was enough room or not. Cager's are not prepared for bikes (or even other cages) to be passing that closely, therefore, it's dangerous to do so. Like it or not, that's how it works. The evidence is in the fact that they were hitting the brakes, which panic's the drivers behind them, and could make it a very bad situation, very quickly.
  7. You really need to quit lying for him.
  8. MidgetTodd has a way with words
  9. Aww man! You'll be missed! Did you warn the Katrider guys of the Coshocton curse? Are they going to be the ones to break that curse? I'm still in for this. I'll need it after the busy week we have this week!
  10. I think they're TRYING to get rid of you, one way or another. Glad to hear the rider is OK! That bike? Take fiddy bux for it?
  11. Nope! The custom Android ROM on my Hero is working just fine, thank you!
  12. Fridays are booked for me, along with Mon, Tues, Wed, and most Sat mornings. Fall soccer has started for the boys, and the wife is coaching a team. I'm going to have to get creative to make it to rides/events now! I would like to get out to a Moose Meat night though!
  13. A cheap-o $20 S&W that I bought on the Mac truck (when we had one coming around) and before that I have a Kershaw (actually 2 of them that I rotated in and out of service) that never seemed to hold an edge. I really need to work on them.
  14. Nope. Water coolers. The bold part is exactly what I saw when the union was trying to get in where I was. Really? As TD looks in the extra-wide mirror... Not all, and not even close to the majority, but enough of them that there is a problem.
  15. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing that info! The temp employee issue was a factor in the people I worked with wanting organization. Not all companies pay their temps well. There were other factors, but I have to go for now. I may discuss later.
  16. As long as the company is being honest about it, no problem. The compsny that I worked for was painting a bleek picture LONG before things were REALLY getting bad. I got a pretty decent severance package, and went on my way. No choice, they were just being nice, and trying to make it look like things were worse than they were. A couple years later, the leach that weazeled his way into ownership DID bankrupt the company, all production has moved out of the country, and ownership and the name has changed a couple more times. All this from what used to be one of the best companies to work for in the area, that had been around since the early 1900's. They were blaming everything on competition. They had bought up all of the failing domestic competition, and were dealing with the cheap international cometition. While this was a very valid issue, it was not the REAL problem for the company, which was poor management. There was an attempt at organization while I was there, but it never even got to the vote. Just a note about the workers there, most of us were so loyal, and had built such relationships that many who are no longer there (and some that are with the new ownership) keep in touch on Facebook, and have a fairly large get together every year. Many people would rather not even be associated with a company that did them wrong, but they even had one of the former owners there, and he was well accepted!
  17. The truth is that unions are great in some cases. It sounds like that dude is in a situation where it is a good thing. It also sounds like tbutera is as well. Many public services jobs (Fire/EMS, police, etc...) pretty much need union representation as well. There are many places that unions have done more damage than good, and many manufacturing jobs reflect this. Labor get's too expensive? Export the work. Care to argue that there's a reason for them to keep the jobs here under union control? Patriotism is not a good answer, because corporate greed will squash it in a heartbeat.
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