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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Not a fan of the back up cams, especially when they're on the radio display. That adds another place to look when backing up. They're also installed at weird angle (for aesthetics) that makes it tougher to judge distances. When they're in the rear view mirror, at least that's somewhere that you should already be looking anyway. The parking sensors that come on a lot of vehicles do a pretty good job of letting you know that something is behind you.
  2. I keep seeing that, does it work as well as they make it seem?
  3. At the end of the day, they are there to sell and service motorcycles (atv's, etc.), and accessories. They SHOULD be all up in your grill and figure out what sort of customer you are, and how much of their assistance you require in making a decision and act accordingly. I HATE going somewhere and being hounded by high pressure (maybe just high attention?) sales persons, I would rather be left alone to look until I have questions. I think MANY places fail in this. On the flip side, it is nice to have someone greet you, maybe show you where what you are looking for is located, and know that they will be able to be found when/if you do need their help. I really would not want a sales job!
  4. That is very good to hear! Thanks for taking time to post this! I was thinking for a moment that he offered you a job, by the way your post was going!
  5. I think rep whoring is an infraction around here...
  6. I get the lightweight and strength part of it, but just for the appearance?
  7. I think the German influence on the designs is still there, but the German control of the company is long gone. I still wonder what the auto industry would be like now if cash for clunkers had not happened? Especially the auto repair side of things.
  8. I think that's pretty much what Phil Robertson said! HE doesn't believe it is right, and HE believes we should love all sinners and let God be the judge. Just because he listed other types of sinners at the same time, people think that he ranks them the same, which he does, as something for God to judge, not him. He did not say that WE should punish them the same here and now.
  9. Fixed for you Gump.
  10. Don't feed the troll...
  11. I would LOVE to come, but that is our work Christmas party. They always have it a couple weeks after for some reason!
  12. It's only semi-scripted. If he was to say this stuff on the show, I'm sure it would get cut anyway, or maybe just bleeped.
  13. That said, A&E has every right to pull him from the show. I think it's wrong to tolerate one set of values and not the other on a public television network that is not specifically intended for an audience of one side of the issue or the other, but that's just me.
  14. I don't understand why so many are getting so upset over him stating his opinion. He professes to be a Christian, so it should be no surprise that he does not agree with homosexuality. I just went through the article again, and I still can't find anywhere that he says he hates homosexuals, or what he thinks should happen to them, other than this, which I copied and pasted from the article: As for the comments about blacks being happier? Really? It just said that the ones that he worked the fields beside were happy, Godly people. Again, can show show me otherwise?
  15. I'm not a big fan of Carfax. Not everything gets reported (it's not possible) and some people (mainly dealers, but not all of them) try to rape people when something shows up on it, whether it's something they should be concerned about or not. Again, just my opinion.
  16. My opinion: I think you're just being greedy. It looks to me like it was just a couple bolt on body panels that got painted and put on your car. With how new the car is, I'm sure they were factory Ford parts. The variance in those panels from the originals is probably no more than what came from the factory. If it had been more extensive damage, causing welded in pieces and panels to need replacing, THEN you might have something to go on. Stuff like this does, and insurance companies having to go to court over this crap is not helping keep everyone's rates down! Do you think that if they lose they're going to get all the money back from YOU? NO! A portion of everyone's premiums pay for their legal team that will be taking care of this for them. They will probably be paying their legal team more than you are wanting. /my opinion
  17. Thanks for clarifying! Now that we know where the line in the sand is...
  18. It's only gay if you make eye contact, according to another member on here...
  19. I'll have to remember this view when you bash on an entire religion for the acts of a few...
  20. I see trucks with this same powertrain all the time with much higher mileage.
  21. The only reason I would consider it would be if you really wanted 4 wheel drive. It sounds as though 2 wheel drive is working out just fine for you, though. I would have to say that there's nearly zero advantage to the lower mileage if you plan to keep it for a long time. As long as either truck is maintained, it should last a long time.
  22. I don't think that will work on all vehicles. The purpose of the TPMS system is to warn of a pressure decrease though, such as a leaking tire.
  23. The tire manufacturers make certain sized tires that can be used on a variety of vehicles. The auto manufacturer determines the proper inflation level of those tires on their vehicle to maintain the best combination of wear, handling, and ride quality of the vehicle they have designed. Over-inflation is much less likely to cause a safety concern as long as it's within the tire manufacturer's spec., than under-inflation as seen in the late 90's with the Ford Explorer tire debacle. Ask almost anyone working at an auto repair shop, tire shop, or quick-lube place, and they're going to tell you that they go by the tire placard on the vehicle, as they should. I would probably lose my job if I refused to go by what the tire placard says. One more thing to throw into the ring on this discussion is that vehicles with tire pressure monitoring systems may throw the light on if the pressure is too far out of the range that the manufacturer has specified.
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