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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I've been considering making a career change. What's out there? I have worked with mechanical and electrical systems for the past 20 years, first in an industrial environment, and the 12 or so years in the automotive repair field. I can do a little bit of anything, machine controls, hydraulics, electronics, motion control, some blow molding experience, etc... I can figure out almost anything mechanical or electrical.
  2. I did. I beat the shit out of it and posted the video of it on youtube...
  3. Welcome to the madness, Alex! You'll find there are quite a few other Veterans on here! I thank you and all of them for their service. BTW, do your parents go to the Vineyard Community out here in Johnstown? If so, I've seen you there! If not, disregard!
  4. With the holidays coming, maybe sometime in the first couple of weeks in January would be a good time to plan this? I know that some of the people on here make some awesome food, and I'm sure this would be an awesome meet and greet!
  5. This sounds fun. I'm subscribed as a maybe. I can possibly get a screen for this, I'll have to check if one is not taken care of when you find out the date.
  6. I have 5 more GL Christmas Ale in the fridge...
  7. I have to admit, after reading this and thinking back to the posts you made about your dad made my eyes water a lil bit.
  8. I have a good friend that has a Paintball shop out this way, if interested, I can post his info.
  9. I would be very interested in this, time/cost dependent. I have done some TIG welding in the past, but have had no real training. Would love to learn to PROPERLY TIG Al for sure!
  10. This is one of the biggest things I have learned over the years! I started with a 10 gallon tank over 20 years ago, and within months picked up a 40 long (same footprint as a 55, but shorter) then a few years later got my 75 that I still have. I have 2 angels, a spotted raphael cat, bala shark and this pictus cat that has been in there since the 40 gallon tank, probably close to 15 years! I have an undergravel filter with a couple pretty big powerheads, about 2 inches or so of gravel on top of that, the a fluval 404 canister filter. As long as I don't over-populate the tank (there's a story behind that one) my tank is virtually maintenance free. I have gone for 6 months without doing anything other than feeding the fish (not the normal situation, life just got in the way.) I typically do a 30-50% water change monthly. I have had several ghost knife fish, and I just haven't quite found the "trick" to keeping them around more than about a year. They are a TON of fun to watch though! Sometime soon, I want to add some fish to the mix. Possibly a few more angels, I like glass catfish, and usually have a few, so I'll probably pick up a few of those, and who knows what else! We are also pondering setting up another smaller tank (I have a few around here that aren't being used) for my son. It will probably have some of the more colorful fish in it.
  11. Unless they bite your leg. Then you get your leg cut off and keep going. Well, that is if you're important enough. I need to catch up on The Walking Dead.
  12. We have a 50 gallon electric here (I rent, so not my responsibility) and when it had problems earlier in the year, I looked up the model number and let's just say that the results weren't exactly great. Now, when it comes to something like a water heater, something out of sight, out of mind, how many people are going to give good reviews of them, unless it's something interesting like a tankless?
  13. We bought a couple of those for the kids. I'm disappointed in the chargers that come with them. Although, after the jack broke, the USB port started working as a charger port, just like most phones and tablets do. I bought a slightly different model, a little faster, better storage, etc. and I'm disappointed in the charger deal (same as the other) and the stock software seems to have something in it that keeps popping up notifications to install a long list of crap. I'd also like to have a way to reload the system back to original. Buying name brand is probably going to be better if you need support.
  14. Well, if the burrito pusher can do it, so can I! I'm doing more than just the running, and tonight I went pretty hard (for me) with a warm up for about 5 minutes, then about 25 minutes of exercise (jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, lunges, etc...) then 20 minutes of running, then some cool down stretching. One of my biggest encouragers is into crossfit, and has me doing some of the no weight exercises that they do. Right now, I'm working on trying to increase my rep count, then I'll start doing timed challenges, etc. I need to go back through this thread and see if I can pick up any more ideas to keep it "exciting" or at least minimize the boredom factor!
  15. Ok, so I really don't need to lose (much) weight, but I have started working out to just get into better shape. I weigh right around 180, which is about the ma for my height to stay out of the overweight zone. I get winded pretty easily these days and I'm tired all the time. A few weeks ago, I started on the treadmill, doing the couch to 5k treadmill version and that went VERY bad! My knees hurt for over a week, and I was about to give up. 8 days later, I went back at it, cutting the length of time for now. That went better. I think I can do this! Tonight, I did some basic exercises after some warmup stuff. Then after about 15 minutes I hit the treadmill, and went .75 miles. I think that's about all I had tonight, total of about 30-35 minutes, then some more stretching to cool down. My goal is to work up to 5 days a week, minimum or 30 minutes. For the treadmill, I warm up, run 1 minute, walk 1.5 minutes. Then a cooldown walk.
  16. Interesting... My TWC bill has gone up, and it seems that my download speed has gone down. It was up around 22 Mb/s.
  17. I'm going to guess the official reasoning is something along the lines of keeping the methods of installing them out of the view of the public type stuff, and to insure the quality of their product by making sure they're installed properly. Now the ironic part is that Best Buy is one of their recommended installers! Yeah right... Like I would let Best Buy even touch my car (15 year old worn out Dodge Intrepid) let alone dig into the wiring!
  18. They're pricey, but I have always liked the Viper alarms (as I mentioned above LOL) here's their website: http://www.viper.com/ The 2-way remote is what you're looking for, and they have up to a mile range for the remote! Mine's an older model, that had a lot less range rating, but it works at quite a distance.
  19. I totally forgot that those trucks don't take a transponder key.
  20. I'm a big fan of Viper alarms. Pretty much any of the higher end alarms by Directed Electronics are good. They also "require" installation by a professional. As Scruit mentions, reprogramming all of the remotes is a good idea, just in case...
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