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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. My wife loves her iPhone 4s. I hate it.
  2. Why not just plug in a bigger sd card? Oh wait... Nevermind.
  3. Hate on, haters. First, look at the date fo that article. Second, the 3.4 in that generation of the Equinox was VERY reliable, and it's the same engine design that goes all the way back to the early 80's 2.8. There has been quite a bit redesigned on it, but that design had been around for a long time, say late 80's with refinements happening in the mid 90's. I am surprised that I didn't know that we had been Shanghai'd on that one! The current generation of Equinox can have either a 2.4 4 cyl or a 3.0 v6. The transmission in that generation is most definitely of Asian decent, manufactured by Aisin. They don't seem to be very problematic either. If you're buying new, go ahead with the Equinox. Get it now, don't wait for the '15 model to come out. I hear that they're redesigning it, and I'm not a big fan of first year vehicles (even though both of our daily drivers are first year cars.) The first couple years of the current Equinox had some issues with the 2.4 (we're still doing major engine repairs on them under warranty) but they were just fine by 2012. Honestly, the 2012 and newer ones have had more radio problems than anything, and those are very few. One of the guys in our shop came from a Mazda dealer, and he sings the praises of Mazda. I'm just not a fan of the interior design of hardly any Asian import.
  4. I thought Apple was SO secure? My wife updated her 2 iOS devices (the only apple products in our house) last night. Word on the street is that Chrome and Firefox are ok to use.
  5. I lost my mom to this cancer shit about 15 years ago. Fuck Cancer.
  6. Starving for hours would be putting it nicely! I won't recommend anything that's not needed, though.
  7. A diesel generator would be ideal for me, since we have a tank of it sitting here for heat! The price is not so ideal, though.
  8. This thread has me nervous about dealing with the insurance company tomorrow, after my wife put our Pilot on it's side in a show bank this evening. When we last had to deal with an insurance company, a little over 5 years ago, me had to use our insurance company and they went after the at fault party's insurance. Their insurance company didn't want to fix it, then her insurance company at the time (State Farm) fixed it with the same estimate. We later got a check back for her deductible. The thing that ticks me off is that nobody got cited. The truck rear ended her, and pushed her into another car! Then our insurance went up, a year or so after I added her to my current policy. Then today, she gets cited for a single vehicle accident. Ugh...
  9. Meh... You ate last week, you'll be fine.
  10. That is nice! A bit overkill, but for the price, it beats the crap out of anything else that I've seen!
  11. Sorry to crap on the post, but: Holy crap! $45 and using spade terminals for the relay? He could get some 5-pin relay sockets for probably less than $1 in volume that would be more professional and not leave as many energized metal parts exposed.
  12. And they're both "live" on Honda's website!
  13. I know what you mean there! I would consider getting one, but don't for this very reason. Oh, and there's the fact that I really don't don't cold very well, too!
  14. Have you been on any of the newer EFI 600+cc sleds? CRAZY fast! Have fun with it! I'm a warm weather rider only, with just a few times here and there on a friend's sleds.
  15. I really like the "Rhino Pleco" compared to the common or Chinese plecos. I may be looking to add some livestock to my tank sometime soon. All I have in there are 2 large angels, a decent sized bala shark, and my large, really old (at least 15 years) cat fish.
  16. Tempting. I have thought of diversifying, having 2 types of ammo, in case one caliber gets hard to get. I was thinking of an XDS, or something like a LCP or the like. Still watching this thread, contemplating...
  17. Is this a pull-type clutch? As in the TOB snaps into the pressure plate? I think that's what I read in an earlier reply, but wasn't sure from what was typed.
  18. Maybe a CSBA event sometime before riding weather?
  19. So, if a customer has a $60,000 suburban and the rear camera goes out, they should just replace it with a $50 add on system? I'll try that one the next time. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FACTORY INSTALLED, NOT ADD-ON!
  20. That's why the dealer cost price on last one I changed was a LOT more than that for just the camera... I'm thinking it was around $200.
  21. It will cost the manufacturer $50, maybe. They're going to add several hundred dollars to the price of the vehicle for it though. Of course they need to recoup the engineering and design costs as well.
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