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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Inya's black? Also, watch out for package size, price per weight type stuff. They'll have a particular brand of bread for less than a competitor, but if you look at the package size, it's a little bit smaller. Walmart has some very creative marketing going on to make people *think* they're getting a greater value. With that said, many times the smaller quantity will actually be better anyway, and you'll use all of whatever it is instead of having to throw some out from not using it before it goes bad, that is for the buyer to decide.
  2. Details! I'm off work today, we'll find you a bike!
  3. Ah, I guess I posted that a bit prematurely! Just tryin to help out, and ended up driving the failboat!
  4. I'm going to take a wild stab here and say that the value should be higher after seeing this bike in person, based on what I've heard of it, and it's owner. Nothing you can do, other than make the situation known, as you are doing. Will this stop me from shopping IP/YoC? No.. However, if I'm going to be buying a bike, I will be sure watch out, and get anything and everything in writing.
  5. Maybe Moose can get you some contact info? Without getting him dragged into the situation.
  6. Wow. I never knew them to be like that! I hope word gets around and someone "changes their mind" for your sake.
  7. I miss the sub $2.00 prices, or even closer to $1.00 from when I started driving! What I was referring to is in comparison to the $4.00 prices we were seeing a few years ago.
  8. The article may not call out cap and trade, and Barry may not have said it directly about this situation, but I'm sure it's in his mind! Oh how nice it would be to read his mind... Although, it would probably come up blank!
  9. Put the cage out to pasture during the riding season. The only reason to keep a daily driver cage in a garage is to work on it, or keep it so that you don't have to clear snow or frost off the windows. Especially a Camr...err... Lexus...
  10. Maybe he should get Doc Brown and Marty McFly instead?
  11. I do have to say, that is a nice looking cwoozah, for those that are into that sort of thing.
  12. And you let her influence your decisions so much? Eh, I'll now. For now, anyway.
  13. Beat me to it, since I was waiting for pics. You HAD to know THAT was coming!
  14. Well said. I wholeheartedly believe that gas/oil prices are NOT even remotely related to supply vs. demand. There's something else at play there, and it's not the futures market, or anything that the general population will likely ever know.
  15. AND never been over 6000 RPM's.
  16. We absolutely need to end our dependence on oil. Since the price of gasoline has gone back down, the importance has seemed to drop quite a bit. Everyone is living in the right now, instead of thinking of the future. It's not going to hurt them, why worry about it. Gas prices are lower, why worry about it now. In the meantime, I think we need to continue exploring, and drilling for more DOMESTIC oil, instead of relying on the huge amounts of foreign oil that we BUY. In the meantime, it is extremely important that we as a country keep pushing to reduce oil usage.
  17. He really doesn't understand. From here, he'll either turn and run with his tail tucked, or continue and learn the dynamic around here. If you have to ask...
  18. I suppose the next thing you'll be telling me is that MJ is a girl.
  19. Really man, you are HEAVY on the racism tonight. Do I need to report you for this?
  20. If I may add, if you have to question showing up after all that has been hashed out about the type of ride this is, stay home. If you are not mentally prepared for a ride that will take some skill, and will provide you a great opportunity to learn more, you're either too good of a rider, or too scared. If my comments are out of line, tell me and I'll change/delete.
  21. Really Hollyhood? I don't think you're asian enough, to be defending the cheap, poor quality shit they peddle there. Where's Jinu when you need him in a thread? Back OT. That thing looks beat to shit! GLWS! (By beat to shit, I really mean pretty nice, and by GLWS, I mean GLWS.)
  22. You just may be on to something here UP...
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