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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Actually, the last time (that I know of) an unsolicited name change went down, it did not end well.
  2. You've been confused by Todd... That show's you how smart those hillbillies really are! (Or is it thrillbilly Todd?)
  3. The Bible says something about "glorifying his name" and I just don't think TD Jesus did that. If anything, I think it lead to more ridicule, and distrust of the Church. I just don't think TD Jesus was biblical, and TRUE Christians live by the Bible. /soapbox (before it caves in and I end up injured)
  4. Slow news day. Well, just plain slow day.
  5. Wow! My name for Tachman caught on! Can a mod please make the approriate change? (Actually, I think admins are the only ones that can do a name change around here.)
  6. I'm not so sure you have proven yourself list-worthy.
  7. Said the puppies as you were stomping them...
  8. Stop by Johnstown on your way to BFE for 1000rrrrrrider with one of each.
  9. I'm gonna bet that list is pretty short. I'm thinking Todd (the 43 one, not the rrrrr one) has too many important things on his list that he DOES give a shit about, to even have a list of what he does give a shit about. I don't mean this as sarcasm, either. If people would worry about what they need to, instead of everything the media dumps on them, I'm guess that things would be MUCH better.
  10. He's a little slow, or maybe he's actually a bit fast...
  11. I'm debating that one for my new sig...
  12. There are MANY things that you have no problems with Sam... I don't feel bad at all. I hope tblade has lot's of trouble sleeping at night!
  13. Really Jbot, how many people have you had say that you owe them a new keyboard after reading some of your stuff?
  14. Really? Go away. Come on Todd, really? Do you REALLY need to ask why this is news? Give a shit? Too many people do, people that shouldn't even know about it. Do you know that for sure? Have you been in that situation? I'm not trying to argue with you, or mess with you on this. I don't think one can answer this from an outsider's standpoint. I'm going to guess that the days were becoming fewer, and the options were running out, just from the little I know about CF. I may be wrong though (big surprise if I am. )
  15. Holy cow! I never thought you'd sell the Viffer! A serious GLWS. I really need to get me a pile of cash to have lying around for this sort of thing.
  16. I have no doubts about this one! Fixed it for you sam. He must know someone! Please tell me you're not "the one" and just trolling around here? If you have no idea what I mean, than it's all good. Otherwise, be prepared for things to get UGLY! (Funny, but ugly!)
  17. Firdays are a no go for me now... I really wanted to make it out for one of these! MAYBE I will get to sometime anyway.
  18. Nevermind. I get the picture now.
  19. Fixed. Why else would there be a sheep there, if Sam hadn't been there?
  20. We speak American around here. Take your English back home! His e-pimphand is strong.
  21. Dude, you need to finish... turning on your lights.
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