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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. jporter12


    Maybe evil, but yummy!
  2. Maybe we shoudl change things up and go to Cinci to pick up Moose. At this rate, he'll still be there! Geesh!
  3. I wouldn't push it too much on a 1.8T. Although reducing the heat soaking, running cooler is a good idea, seeing the oil coking problem they have... I just cleaned out the oil pickup on one of those things last week!
  4. If one side is lower than the other, it throws the balance of the whole bike off! It's also important to keep the front and rear at the same level to keep the weight distributed properly that way, as well.
  5. Let me know how that works out for you.
  6. That's the most accurate description of OR I have ever seen!
  7. Good point! I know where my throttle cable is, there's just nothing attached to the other end of it (on one bike anyway...)
  8. You spend more time asking how to fix your throttle cable...
  9. With the way storms are popping up all over the place, nobody wanting/able to go until later, I think I need to just go work on the Hon-duh. I need to do a quick welding favor in a few anyway... NOW you see why I said it was a maybe...
  10. I can confirm that it's not a rick-roll Tom! I have met her IRL.
  11. In our litigious society, entrapment and violating someone's right to be stupid, and dangerous, trump public safety. Sad...
  12. I was actually kidding, but it is a bit different when a female is the aggressor!
  13. With all this talk about it being so wrong to hit a woman... What about the women's lib crap? If they want to be equal, they need to take a hit like a guy. (my day didn't start well, I thought I'd start some crap! )
  14. That's awesome that someone can make that statement about Ohio-Riders! It puts a good image out there that not all sportbike riders are squids, but that some of us are very responsible riders, and have a good time while being that way. From what I ahve been told, and what I've read about this is if a LEO watches someone leave a bar, then pulls them over for to get a DUI charge, they call that entrapment. I don't totally agree with this, as the LEO is watching them do something illegal and very dangerous, but cannot do anything about it. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to how this works, and why?
  15. Just not to each other!
  16. Ass... That's a little late for me, we have a family function this evening, and I owuld need to be back not long after you're able to get out. Thanks for the detail on the weather Tom! It's looking like there's a good chance of it rain and t-storms all day, FML. Maybe this is just a sign that I need to get the other bike together?
  17. If the weather's good, I'm going... Otherwise it's working on the other bike. I just wanted to see if anyone else had something in mind.
  18. I didn't catch that one! I must be slow today!
  19. I wonder if it has anything to do with the roadkill that was all over the place, or if the roadkill showed up later? I can think of about 5 bikes offhand that it could have been, and I personally know 3 of them.
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