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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. With ZERO life outside of OR..... (I like messing with drunk/drinking people!)
  2. Yeah, ALL of the bars in Newark.... There are a few places in Newark that would be good, but they're pretty much all in Heath! Maybe Rooster's in Newark though? Most of the bars in that town seem to draw the hardcore harley group. You know, the ones that spend more time polishing their chrome and drinking than riding.
  3. Maybe I'll get back to you on what you PM'd me about tomorrow. Hulk is going!
  4. Yeah, I didn't follow it that far, I just saw the initial posting. The only burger I had a chance at getting was McD's, BK, or home grilled tonight. I wasn't about to leave the Johnstown area after the day I had.
  5. I know someone that had a bad experience, but if I recall, he said he doesn't regret it at all. I can ask him for the exact details of what happened if people really want to know, but I bet it's something that's been posted on some of the anti-Lasik websites. I'm thinking he said something came detatched? He said that what happened in his case is like a 1 in 10,000 case, and he was just the lucky number to have bad results. When talking to a lawyer friend of his that guarateed he could get a HUGE settlement, he declined, said it wasn't the dr's fault, it was something to do with his eye, or something like that.
  6. I use GPS Speed, or something like that (can't remember the name for sure, and too lazy to grab the phone, I'd rather type an explanation of why the name might be inaccurate ) once in a while to check the accuracy of speedometers.
  7. From the census 2010 website: How can they back that up? Is their information networked to various locations, through non-dedicated lines? If not, chances are good that they CAN be hacked.
  8. I still wonder about the need for a census these days. It should be something like only need to reply if you don't have a state ID issued, or enrolled in a public school system. They can't get that much together? How about birth and death records? With the amount of info they have on all of us, what is the need for the census, other than it's in the constitution? Maybe they should modify it to allow electronic counting through records databases? How much of the information is required, and what why even ask what's not required? 1 2 3 4 5 6 See, even I can count! I'm sure they have programmers that can extract more accurate counts from gov't databases than what they'll get from paper forms!
  9. I'm still wondering about where the files might show up then. Are they stuck in the Mayr's Court's records, or are they filed somewhere else, where they can be had by others seeking info about a person? I'm not worried about anything turning up on me, I've already told the info that will come up in my experience with mayor's court's, I'm just curious.
  10. At home I'm using a windows home server box. Automatic backups, easy file sharing, remote access... I haven't had much need for backups, recently, or in the past. I guess I'm just licky on that one. I did have a drive in a Striped RAID fail not long ago, but I kept all the data on another drive, and only program files and OS and such on the RAID. I didn't bother with restoring that backup, just fresh install of windows, point my docs, etc.. to the right folders on the second drive, all was sell again.
  11. Isn't that about the troof....
  12. Granville and Pataskala, for the offenses mentioned above. Some things worked out to my advantage, not going into details though!
  13. Granville? One thing about Mayor's court though, where do their records show up, other than BMV driving file? Nothing shows up in the the muni court file, not sure how far someone would have to go to dig up these records, or if they're filed somewhere that's easily accessible. Mancard is safe for now.
  14. Don't break the law? (or at least don't get caught!) Now that I've said that, I don't know how I've avoided getting any tickets in the past 12 or so years. The last was in 1998 (I think) for driving under suspension, suspenion was from a DUI, and no insurance. I guess maybe I've grown up, been lucky, or realistically some combination of the two!
  15. Are you trying to save the drive, or just the data on the drive? Drives are cheap these days, go buy one, or if money is an isuse (it is with me!) I have a few lying around you could have for cheap to hold oyu over until you can get a new one. They're all in the 250-500 GB range. I bought a 2TB for $149 at Microcenter a month or so ago, and I've seen them even cheaper than that!
  16. I will read through it more when I get time.
  17. I don't have time to go through the article in it's entirety, but what I see fisrt off is TAX TAX TAX. Premiums increasing more than they would otherwise, not even taking into account the taxes the insurance companies will be paying that will be passed on to the policy holder. Do people really think that taxes on companies are coing to cut into their bottom line? I think not, they pass it on to the consumer.
  18. Good luck. I found mine on Craigslist last April for less than $1k. There were quite a few pop;ping up on there early last season, through June or July.
  19. I put the hammer down, and didn't have to go to the corner! She did ask if this is the ride where I said I'd lay down the law and go whimpering to the corner....
  20. Yeah, good luck with that one... It seems they only answer the emails they feel like answering.
  21. jporter12


    That's why I have a good idea of how far it will go, then make sure I reset the trip meter every time, and not exceed what I know it can go by much.
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