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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I just went and looked for that song. I never ripped the CD to MP3. Todo listed....
  2. Need me to bring you a beer for her? How about a captain and coke?
  3. Wow man, I LOVE that song. Now I need to find the CD and rip it so I can play it again. I know I have it here somewhere. I have been around this dog, and she truly is a BIG part of their family. It saddens me greatly to hear this, almost to tears, knowing Dusty. On a lighter note, we have a god here that I'll give ya! Eh, not really. Even with as much of a pain in the butt she's been, I'm sure that when she get's old it will be tough to see her go.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCEaa4q4ibA
  5. I saw that on "Timewarp" on one of the Discovery channels. That show is awesome! I bought a cheapie $20 blender at Kroger to make smoothies. It tears up ice, but gets air pockets around the blades, and has to be stopped and shook to get it blending again, once the mixture gets too thick.
  6. I keep tellin everyone, ROOSTER's!
  7. I've tried that excuse before.....
  8. Zing!!!! That's better than pron for those boys out there!!!
  9. You're on a roll tonight!
  10. I missed that game, so I was THRILLED when I found it for download on the Xbox360! I still need to unlock the full version, though.
  11. It's pretty much all gone here, the heavy stuff passed just to the south of us. In fact, a friend with the same zip code was posting on facebook that his Dish Network went out! This is only a few miles to the south!
  12. I WAS intent on going on the CSBA ride on the 17th, but plans got made that may hinder that, so I may have some time in the morning then. About all I've been using the xbox for lately is Netflix.
  13. Here ya go, asstard...... http://tinyurl.com/ycgxwk6
  14. As soon as I can. I REALLY want to get the Hon-duh back togetherfirst, but that might not be possible for a while, due to cash flow. It's flowing out faster than in right now, and I can't grab enough to get any parts for the bike. Then again, the 250 does ok on corners, just not on the straights, especially in the wind! 1krrdude has been on me about getting down there to ride as well. When will you be putting the guns and xbox controller long enough to ride?
  15. I'm holding out for a newer interceptor. I really want an 07 in the RWB paint, but I just don't have that kind of $$$$.
  16. They're ALL new when you're not around for months at a time!
  17. Oh, and welcome back Mr. Anderson. Are ya gonna stick around for more than a few minutes?
  18. Are you kidding me? Threadjack is the way to go around here. I can't hardly believe that it ahs taken this long for a thread to get jacked!
  19. She must know that backstory.....
  20. I think we all know that. He was saying that you shouldn't treat it as a 4-way, but as a stop sign at at road that does not stop.
  21. I'm liking how some of the newer lights have "cameras" to detect the vehicles. We have several out here and I have had no problems with triggering them. From my understandng, these are just "object recognition" devices, and have no way of recording an image of your vehicle. From what I've read, the initial cost is more, but they avoid the need to re-install the wires in the road after a repave for the magnetic trip systems.
  22. Take a look at the registered user count! 3989 This site is growing at a very rapid pace!
  23. Flush it out and run Global. I've found that the G12, pink Pentosin is very similar to GM's Dexcool, which is GARBAGE!
  24. I prefer Peak brand Gobal coolant. As with the prestone that was mentioned, it's all makes and models safe. I only say that I prefer it ove the Prestone because I'm familiar with it, and haven't used the Prestone. I have used the Peak Global in automotive applications that were "troublesome" with their OE recommended coolant, and it prevented repeat failures of heater cores, water pump and various gasket leaks.
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