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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. You'll see lots of them in the coming months!
  2. I THINK that's the one that I'm thinking of.
  3. Holy cow! I am HIGHLY disappointed in the guys. This has got to be the most tame intro thread for any female in the history of Ohio-riders.... Welcome Flygirl!
  4. They don't carry any M/C oil? I get mine from Carquest, they stock Amsoil, and Valvoline conventional in the 10w40 that I run in my bikes.
  5. You need some chain lube as well, if you don't already have some. I'm not sure if AZ has anything decent, or not. I use PJ1 blue label chain lube, myself. If you don't know the history of the bike, you might want to grab some plugs for it. AZ should be able to get those, they might have to order them, though. Side note: Maybe next year, someone can plan a "shop day" or something for a bunch to get together and prep their bikes for the season, and maybe something mid to late season as well. I know Hoblick did something like this a time or so last year, and I MIGHT be able to do something, IF I the owner of the shop where I work is ok with it.
  6. He must not like you anymore, now that you've started showing that you're not so much of a prick, or e-thug...
  7. Just a wild guess here, but a Nighthawk most likely has a center stand, negating the need for spools.
  8. http://www.hotrodgrills.com/ Sorry Ford guys, it's modeled after a small block Chevy.
  9. I can't make it out today, and even if I could, I would be going to work, instead.
  10. jporter12


    Some of us still do that! On the Interceptor it's tough to see though, so I've just figured out that 130 miles or so keeps me out of reserve.
  11. jporter12


    I've not even hit reserve on the Ninja @ 180 mile fill ups! The Hon-duh, I fill it back up @ around 130 miles. I'm not interested in running out.
  12. We'll see how things look later this week.
  13. Are finally getting tired of people talking about your ass looking funny? Can't wait to see the results!
  14. Can? You just lost me. Can's are for vegetables, Spaghetti-o's, and Coca-Cola, not beer. I'd love to help you out, but I have so little time lately. Next weekend would be the first possible chance I'd have, and I'm not even sure about that, since one of my bikes is still in pieces.
  15. I think I've passed that BMW guy. DO you pass him on 37? If so, it's probably the same guy. I don't wave to bicycles, they almost never even acknowledge that you're there. I think they owuld rather not see anyone else on THEIR road.... to them!
  16. I've only passed a couple bikes so far this year, and one of them was while I was stopping and downshifting, so he got the nod, but he did wave. Sportbike riders are like that. The HD riders are usually on a mission alright, a mission to stop the blurry vision from the vibration long enough to induce blurry vision from the alcohol they'll drink at the4 bar where they stopped.... (sorry Art, it was your choice to buy one!)
  17. They want your address, and other info? I think not. They already know who I am, and where I am. Fortunatey, they don't have any need (that I know of) to USE this information.
  18. You act as though you've met a few of them? Wow! Is this another random posting by Mr.A? Welcome back dood!
  19. I shoulda known better! But why would you mess with him? It's not like he messes with anyone or anything.
  20. Jagr has something in the work, according to another thread. I guess we just have to wait and see.
  21. Yeah, I've noticed him on there A LOT! I still haven't even played any since I added him on Live. Maybe they're more on his level?
  22. Are you referring to the Admin Nazi? I think he does a good job with the site, then again, I haven't posted anything out of line enough to get moderated.... Except maybe the admin nazi comments....
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