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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Countdown for the failboat in 3.....2.....
  2. All I care about is keeping everyone entertained through the awesome winter weather we're getting.. Meh...Not really....
  3. Ooo.. I'll make a call, I may know of one of those, if he needs anyone, I'll let you know. After I finish my PB&J.
  4. Probably the MAF sensor. Cleaning will sometimes bandaid a dirty sensor for a while, but most of the time when we get one that has a problem, even from K&N oil, it has to eventually get replaced. We also do a throttle body cleaning service to get rid of the carbon that builds up on the back of the throttle plate, and the throttle bore. On some applications it gets bad enough to make the throttle hard to open, and I even saw one rip off a deflector that's on the bottom of the throttle plate, causing the throttle to stick!
  5. I finally got in to the desktop PC to run the test and got this: I want more upload speed!
  6. I would rather be there now, but the babysitter needed the day off for something, so I'll go in when the wife gets home from work.
  7. You mean you got your lazy cat ass off the couch and actually went in to work? (as I sit on the couch typing....)
  8. Easy with the humor with Todd. It doesn't work well. Just go back and re-read this thread.....
  9. It seems to stop at the DVD, movie, and software piracy, since they seem to be able to go after those people easier.... Just sayin'...
  10. I was expecting some engine talk.... OP, Achmed is funny...
  11. If it gets bad enough, I still go in (less than 2 miles away) and have a fun day playing on snowmobiles, etc...
  12. Daytime TV sux! I am now thankful for my TiVo's!
  13. Joe Diffee, or how ever you spell his name. I don't care what sam thinks anyway.....
  14. ACTUALLY, it's originally by a guy, just made popular by a woman.
  15. Natures way of taking a dump on you!
  16. Eeewwww.. I didn't realize the upload was soo bad there! I knew the download was slow though. Of course, if anyone's USING the connection, the test isn't accurate, such as streaming music like we all do there....
  17. I just hope we don't get e-check anytime soon. Actually, for the work, I hope we do, as it will drive more business, but I'm not a tree-hugger, so I hope we don't!
  18. Can you see other computers or devices on the network? It could be as simple as DHCP not working quite right. For some reason, my router makes my set the DNS server address manually on SOME computers.
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