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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Except I'm quicker AT REPLYING than you!
  2. Didn't see it, but he told me about it. I had forgotten, actually! Is it the bike that was turqouise marbled before? I'll have to ask him about it.
  3. Do they have anything in SHEEP for Sam and Fonz?
  4. WAAAYY too ADD for all that noise! I know the line anyway....
  5. That's not actually all that bad! Not saying I'd want that for a bike of mine, but it actually looks decent for a stunt bike.
  6. Yes, he's very thorough, and knows something about almost everything, and if not, he wants to learn about it, at least from what I've seen. I always look forward to readin Tom's (long) posts! Duh, on my part.... I was even thinking that when I replied.... I blame it on the captain.... Sure has! Colored even, look at the Ninja 636's, like Kawi Kid's. (They're actually the matte finish discussed earlier in this thread)
  7. We have that stuff, too. The other thing we've done is use high quality, rubberized undercoating, let it cure, the clear that. It looks good on the lower half of a truck. Wouldn't do that to anything nice though.
  8. You missed and got it all over your sheep.
  9. So, is that where you got the new avatar?
  10. Still having those wet dreams? Wishing I was in them? Geesh....
  11. Don't give in, the only time people say they love someone (especially sam, fonz, or IP) on here is when they're giving up to them.
  12. They could always mount some circular armor plates to the wheels to cover a good bit of the openings in the the honeycomb. Or some sort of flexible, bulletproof cover....
  13. Hilarious! He must've been listening to Glenn Beck to make his head explode like that! He forgot the duct tape!
  14. I can't stand pipe smoke, or cigars. Non smoker here. The only pirate in me is the Captin Morgan's that I'm drinking. It's some damn good cheesecake though....
  15. He's good there, the "tank" is actually a cover....
  17. That, and one look at your avatar pic....
  18. I expected much better from you.... At least I have the wife going in to the store to get the rest of the ingredients for it....
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