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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. Any idea of how many will be there? Also, what is the difficulty level of this ride? I'm still working on my corner confidence! I'm just a couple miles outside of Johnstown, but wouldn't be able to make it until 1:00, so I may not be in anyway.

  2. I went tonight to look at another Ninja 250 for the wife up near Polaris, and since I'm still on my temps, I took back roads (actually a more direct route) to Westerville, and it was pretty much just straight roads, pretty much the same as freeway driving, with the addition of having to stop for red lights constantly! I'd love to get a bigger bike and give the Ninja to the wife, but with the price that I would pay for this 250 (if it's still there when I get the rest of the money) is tough to beat!

  3. and got caught in the rain for the 1st time.yeah, that sucks.

    Are you kidding? I've had some fun in the rain! The first ride of more the 10 or so miles that I took was in the rain! I'm actually a little excited to get caught in the rain again sometime, since I got the new jacket, and the new tires! I want to see how the jacket does with rain (supposed to do well, but who believes everything a mfg. says) and the BT45's are supposed to be goo din the rain, also!

    Sounds like you had fun! Maybe one day soon, the wife and I can go riding together, pending getting her bike, gear, license!!!!

  4. Anyway, does anyone have any tips to help her keep balanced while moving slow?

    My fiance....Zerocrash on the board, is teaching me to ride, and he is a FANASTIC instructor...he has been fabulous...first he demonstates how to do a certain manuever then has me follow him. He explains why a certain part does what it does and then shows me why it does it, how it does it and then has me try it...he has so much patience, and I think that's the key. He is also very good about boosting my self confidence which helps just as much as anything else he does

    The bad thing in our situation is that we only have 1 bike (looking at another tomorrow!) and I'm a new rider myself! I've put about 1300 miles on the bike in the past 2 months, and have learned a lot, but I don't have things down to the point where I'm much of a teacher!

    Thanks again for all the tips, and the humorous posts!

  5. You're on the slippery slope now. Next thing you know she'll want a new Ducati. Speaking from experience. Good luck with that.

    Actually, this COULD be the ticket for me to get somethin bigger! Although, she might be better off on a rebel or something like that, she's BARELY tall enough for the Ninja 250.

  6. Hmm, I don't remember doing that.

    I actually do that all the time, myself. On most of the back roads, it's not an issue to not come to a complete stop, and even when I do, I try to keep my feet on the pegs as long as I can, especially after Chvysoldier was following me days after I started riding, and said I was putting my feet down early!

  7. Lot's of great tips everyone! Keep them coming, if anyone has anything to add! We're getting her temps ASAP, then as soon as she get's home from that, she'll be signing up for the BRC. I may have her go to the BRC with me to watch, IF we can find someone to watch the kids.

  8. I might see if I can borrow a friend's dirt bike, but not sure.

    The main point of all this is to make sure that she's really up to riding. I think we're going to get her signed up for the BRC soon, as long as she doesn't decide soon that she can't do it.

  9. Well, tonight I spent some time teaching the wife how to ride the bike. It all started when we stopped by the Iron Pony so that I could pick up a new front tire, and she HAD to try on a few helmets (actually, I told her to quit just looking at them, that if they didn't fit right, it doesn't matter how it looks.) We bought an inexpensive one for now, until we're sure she takes to riding. She can always use it riding 4 wheelers (if we ever get one, or more) or anything else that might require a helmet.

    Anyway, we went over the controls, getting on and off the bike, started the engine, and feeel of the clutch. She does not do a manual transmission in a car even. We progressed to moving a little under power, and stopping. She's a bit hard on the brake, which I keep telling her she needs to work on in the car even, but she has managed to keep the shiny side up, and off the pavement!

    Anyway, does anyone have any tips to help her keep balanced while moving slow? I'm not sure how to tell her to do it! I think I would be more prepared for this if I had been through the BRC, but that's not until the end of July, unless I get in on a walk-in spot.

    We'll be back to it tomorrow night!

  10. Although not in Columbus, Carquest in Johnstown, Mt.Vernon, Delaware, Sunbury (the Washington Auto chain) carries it. The other Carquest dealers probably do, too. I just deal with this chain on a daily basis, so I know they carry it!

  11. Holy cow man, I get worse injuries at work on a nearly daily basis, from walking under cars that are up on the lifts! Ok, not anything nearly that bad, but that's the first thing I thought of when I saw that. I sometimes think I should be wearing my helmet to work!

    I'm feeling old hearing some of those bike names. I never had any of the cool bikes, but I have a cousin that had stolen most of them!

  12. This is my first helmet, and I also went with fitting just a tad tight, infact the cheek pads were uncomfortable after a half hour or so, but lo and behold it now fits really well!

    I'm thinking it wouldn't take all that much to build a "wind simulator", and it could even be built so that a rider could pull their own bike in to test with how their bike is setup, windshield, etc... A couple large fans, probably some intake filters, and some vents in the opposite end to let the air out. Get the wind speed up to about 65 MPH, or so, since that's legal speed limit.... Hmmm...

  13. I'm moderately happy with my $80 closeout priced Zox Spectra-R. DOT and Snell 2005 rated, and it's comfortable. The air vents, even when closed, don't seem to be closed. The breath guard is nice, but I found that it causes the air to flow right into my eyes, and I was always having to adjust it. Noise seems to be louder with it out, too. Now, I may be only putting it in on days when it is needed (like today) and I'll be wearing the helmet for a while. I think after this season (if not before) I'm going to get something better.

    Wouldn't it be nice if Iron Pony had a small "wind tunnel" to simulate wearing the helmet at highway speeds, to test noise and airflow?

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