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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I used to live really close to there, the next exit east off 16, you could see the house from the off ramp!

    I would be down for it, but I was out for a ride yesterday, and I think we have some stuff planned for today. Also wouldn't be able to make it until 1:30, or could meet at 79 and 586.

  2. You really shouldn't be doing it under 'typical' or city riding conditions. Not saying you are going to hurt anything but it's kind of pointless when all you're doing is upsetting the bike's geometry at those speeds.

    I was only doing it to learn how, and mainly in cornering, or coming out of corners anyway. Also, my left wrist was hurting yesterday (carpal tunnel maybe?) and this made it easier on me! I'm nit going to make a habit of clutchless shifting, just make sure that I know how to do it for when it would be beneficial to use the skill!

  3. I was experimenting today with shifting without the clutch on my 110 mile ride. I found it smooth most of the time, I jsut need to work on how much to let off the throttle, under different loads, to get the feel right. It seems the higher I let the RPM's get, the less I need to let off the throttle. It went pretty well, especially going into 6th gear.

  4. I'll throw out a me too on getting it straightened. I have also heard that it will better better than new if they know what they're doing. I'll see if I can find out the place that my friend (that has a Harley shop) was talking about that does this sort of thing.

  5. Just look at the tread. All of the tread blocks should be even. On my original dunlops's it wasn't all that obvious, I actually could see it better from the side, yet still slightly above the tire. Hard to explain! lol

    The tire is not the only thing that will cause this, of course. This is just what it happened to be on my bike. With the lower mileage you have on your bike, I would doubt it's anything else.

  6. I only have 4600 miles on it

    is there a way to check the tires ? Or check the whole thing before taking it somewhere ?

    I'm going to guess you have the original Dunlop K630 on the front. Mine looked great, until I really scrutinized it, then I noticed it wqas slightly cupped. Once I dismounted it, I could tell it was really bad. Lots of tread left, I just wasn't comfortable with anything not being quite right, especially tires. I got a set of the Bridgestone Battlax BT-45's front and rear. Love them so far.

    OP, check for cupping, I saw a couple cruisers last weekend that were having cupping issues, and of course I'll concur with the others to check to see if it's running true.

  7. If it's like the car inspections (I couldn't imagine it's any different) they're mainly checking for stolen parts. On a bike, I can imagine they will check for all the lights, etc to be working. FYI, as long as all the basic stuff is in place, I wouldn't worry about it. A car will fail if the VIN is painted over on a fender if it's supposed to be there, though unless it has an aftermarket sticker on it.

  8. I had that issue when I first started riding, but it has gone away over time. I have issues with my hands anyway, since I've pretty much always had jobs where I work with my hands, and I though t riding might aggrevate things, but I have found that if I move my throttle hand around some, it works out well. I'll roll my hand on to the side, maintaining enough pressure down on the grip to keep the throttle where I want, and flex my fingers quite often.

  9. I rode my Ninja 250 like that (except I had the headlight on it, and turn signals were attached to the headlight) for over a month before I finally got fairings for it, and got them painted! I found it interesting (not so much surprised) that it seemed to corner better with the fairings on it. I think the wind was actually better witout them on it though. Not gonna go back now!

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