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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. There used to be a decent sized group that would meet up every week across the road, but I haven't seen the member that always headed it up on here for a while.
  2. Let off the brake and run it! But seriously, are both pads worn about the same? If so, you might just burning through them. Also, have you googled it for some input from Yamaha specific forums, or ATV forums?
  3. The S2K could really use the low RPM boost that a supercharger would be slightly better for. I haven't driven one in a while, but I don't remember them having hardly anything to offer in the lower RPM range.
  4. No, I have to do something next time!
  5. If you run the car very hard, keep an eye on the oil! They like to consume a little when driven hard. I know a guy that has had his apart twice for this!
  6. The flavor was good, even the kids liked it! I think I left it on a little too long after cranking the heat, because it got kinda tough. Being my first attempt, I just left the chicken plain, and the only chips I have are mesquite and hickory (should have picked up some fruit wood chips at Home Depot when I was there yesterday) so I used the hickory. I could definitely see a smoke ring in the meat, so I think what I'm doing will work, I just need to plan it out better, and allow more time! I just wasn't paying attention at all to the time that we started, and should have known it was too late to do it properly and still eat before 10:00! I was thinking that the smoking would help seal in some juices and keep it from getting tough, which it might have if I had pulled it off the grill earlier. One thing that want to try is smoking some peppers.
  7. You had posted that before. I had it around 300 for a while, and it's just getting too late to wait it out, so I cranked the grill up to finish it. We shall see soon!
  8. Crap, I keep forgetting about it! I'll be in touch mid to late week.
  9. Trying out some chicken right now. I only have one burner of the 3 burner grill on pretty low to keep the temp down. I don't think we're going to be able to let it cook at a low temp all the way, since it's so late, we're cranking the heat to it now. Hopefully it smoked long enough to make a difference, if not we'll try again another time.
  10. I've had the opposite experience with them, although I haven't been around many of them. This is what I've heard about them, 1 or 2 people, not a family. I'd love to have a chow, but with this and the fact that we have 4 kids would make it a potentially bad idea.
  11. Checking into what my account backup email addresses are...
  12. It really does vary by location. The location on Schrock Rd, near Cleveland Ave. (Columbus) is pretty good, the one here in Johnstown is about a notch down from them, but still not bad. I can't really think of any that stand out as good or bad otherwise.
  13. Not the same way that someone that can't lean steers their bike! I've rode with someone that cannot lean, he's a member here Bkizz. He's paralyzed from the chest down, he modified his bike, and now he rides it. I have seen it first hand!
  14. It all depends on the speed. Really low speed stuff, you initiate the turn by steering in the opposite direction, then turning the way you want to go. At higher speeds you countersteer. When going through a corner, go ahead and push (a little bit) on the bars in the opposite direction, and see what happens! Turning left, push the left bar and you will turn in more.
  15. That it is, but when I poop green, it doesn't look anything like cash.
  16. Threads don't get deleted around here...
  17. That happens with them all, I'm just saying that maybe he should try to not make it so easy?
  18. I have a 3 burner grill, so maybe it will be a bit easier to keep the temps a bit lower with the heat being indirect. The smoke was barely visible, if at all, but I sure could smell it when I opened the lid! I'll give it a try! What kind of wood chips works best with chicken? I got some mesquite and some hickory. I was surprised at how inexpensive the chips were!
  19. ^^^ This. He just keeps giving those against him more to talk about!
  20. Yeah, it's all I have. I don't know if I can control the temp well enough to cook something that takes that long, I'm going to have to experiment before I get a big ole piece of meat to throw on there. I might start with some chicken or turkey.
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