The flavor was good, even the kids liked it! I think I left it on a little too long after cranking the heat, because it got kinda tough. Being my first attempt, I just left the chicken plain, and the only chips I have are mesquite and hickory (should have picked up some fruit wood chips at Home Depot when I was there yesterday) so I used the hickory. I could definitely see a smoke ring in the meat, so I think what I'm doing will work, I just need to plan it out better, and allow more time! I just wasn't paying attention at all to the time that we started, and should have known it was too late to do it properly and still eat before 10:00! I was thinking that the smoking would help seal in some juices and keep it from getting tough, which it might have if I had pulled it off the grill earlier. One thing that want to try is smoking some peppers.