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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. What's the quote about knowing someone by the company they keep?
  2. And he hasn't fired any speech writers over this BS that he keeps spewing? Even if he didn't intend for things to sound the way they do (it seems to happen an awful lot) he should be at least reading over his speeches before saying things that sound so screwy.
  3. So, I went bought some wood chips ans a small smoker box to use in the grill. I'll see how it does, but just a little test run earlier it didn't produce much visible smoke, but I could smell it. I wanted to see what it would do on just the empty grill before actually cooking with it in place.
  4. On the Ninja 250 you have to plan out your passes if you're going around cars. It's not as slow as the majority of the cars on the roads, but yeah, it is pretty slow.
  5. Guns are bad, mmmkay? Very nice! Have you been out with it to play yet?
  6. jporter12

    Mj usa

    Does anyone else find the timing of ohioroadrat's first post ironic?
  7. Now we know why you came over here!
  8. Some vertically guy that I won't name recommends a closet, duct tape and nyquil for babysitting...
  9. ^^^ This dude knows his Yota's! I would trust him to check one out for me, and I work on cars for a living! Also, Max Power is good people, and would not buy it out from under you.
  10. I have to admit that I had been avoiding reading this thread. My dad is still kicking, but I lost my mom in 1997 (I think, I actually try to forget the date) and there are some little things that set me off bawling like a baby about it. Last Friday night was the start of the relay for life here in Johnstown. My mom died of colon cancer, so the cause is very near to my heart, on top of the many others that I know that have been affected by cancer. Anyway, we were there when they did the luminary ceremony, and I just about lost it. During the silent lap around the track they had a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to make it through hearing that song played on bagpipes again. It sounds like you have some really great memories of your father, and that he instilled a strong set of values with you. Hang on to that.
  11. My bad on that, when I hear Battery Tender, I instantly think of the Jr. which is just a maintainer, and I'm going to guess is what most on here have, and all most of us would need.
  12. I was wondering the same...
  13. I'm in Red Wings now, and they're ok, the most comfortable boots I've had were Carolina's, but they quit making the style that I like a few years ago. Unfortunately, I haven't found a shoe that was as comfortable or nearly as durable as work boots, and since I'm on my feet all day, and getting oil and all sorts of other chemicals on them, I put durability to the test! Basically, I'm saying get a decent boot instead of messing with a shoe. Your feet will thank you!
  14. I'm going to try to follow this, as I'm about 10+ years out of the loop on this stuff! LOL I think the subs in my car are over 10 years old! Back in the day, I used nothing but Kicker for amps and subs. I had a single L7 12 in a sealed box in the Camaro with a DX700 amp pushing it, and a couple ZR120 amps for the mids and highs, which were Kicker, too. Alpine for head unit. Too bad somebody decided they needed it more than I did and ripped it all off, right in my driveway. Glad I moved out of Newark!
  15. Yeah, my feet tend to hurt at the end of the day, but it's not as bad as with my old boots, they were WAY worn out!
  16. My wife has started a weight loss program all on her own, and part of that involves a pretty serious walk every evening. After a couple evenings of walking, she decided that she was going to do something with all her walking, and decided to use it as training for a walking fundraiser. She did some research, and decided on the National Kidney Foundation. She is asking for some donations for the foundation. Her fundraising page is here: http://donate.kidney.org/site/TR/Walk/Ohio?px=1984934&pg=personal&fr_id=4990 Thanks in advance for anyone that helps out! The kidney foundation is pretty important to her family, since they helped out one of her family members. Also, I thought this would be a good post to use for my 10,000th post!
  17. Sounds to me like they don't fit right if they're rubbing and blistering your feet and ankles. RedWing fitted me, and I found that I was wearing about a size or so too small. Going by their fitting, though, I think they sized my feet a bit too big, giving me about 1/2 size too big. I put my old boots on the other day and realized that my toes were being cramped.
  18. I taught my wife to ride on the Ninja 250. She did ok with it just up and down our road, only dropping it a couple times in gravel where she turned around, but not well enough to let her out on the road. We both took the MSF class and she did pretty well. She dropped their bike once (pretty hard, her foot got stuck in the shifter she said, may have been a panic type thing trying to get her foot down real fast) but passed the class. Since then, she has put maybe 20 miles on the bike, all that same year, which was 3 years ago. One of these days we're going to get me another bike, and her some gear and she can ride some more.
  19. As has been mentioned, a battery tender is not a charger, it's a maintainer. A 10 amp charge for a couple hours should be just fine with most motorcycle batteries. If the ignition is off, and you have the charger connected to the battery posts, a 10 amp charger will most likely not do anything to the electrical system, especially on a carburated bike.
  20. I don't have a mity vac, I have the cheap harbor freight knock off, and it does well for those that won't gravity bleed or pedal bleed.
  21. I don't quite understand your question. You have the mity vac, it will work just fine. Most cars and trucks I have worked on, I gravity bleed them, then a quick pedal bleed, and it's good to go. I do this for a living, too. Here where I work, we have a brake fluid flush machine that does it all automatically, but I'm sure that's a couple thousand dollar machine!
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