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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Yes, just east of sawmill on 161 You'd think I was a LEO knowing all the donut shop locations!
  2. jporter12

    CCW Issue

    There are some right in your area that would probably have a lower payment (at least not much more) than you have for rent right now! A co-worker lives in that neighborhood, and was telling about some of the deals. My first time using that holster. I should have been perfect with it right off. I now have that holster for it, so I had better get it figured out ASAP! :lol:"
  3. DYAC! I didn't see where they voted on it. Reading all the crap in their minutes, on their website, etc. is pretty confusing... I fail at deciphering all their :bs:
  4. jporter12

    CCW Issue

    Damn, you beat me to it. I just realized this, what are the chances of it actually firing anyway? J/K and all...
  5. jporter12

    CCW Issue

    Does it say concealed firearms specifically? If not, walk out with it in plain sight, then conceal it. Open carry is legal in Ohio.
  6. jporter12

    CCW Issue

    Walk out your back door, and wear a path through their grass.
  7. I didn't know (forgot?) you have that. I'm going to need to borrow it sometime,
  8. That explains a lot about your poor shooting skills.
  9. Oh yeah, and one of the amendments talks about a "database" of registered permit holders.
  10. It looks like they're watering it down: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:h.r.822:
  11. And gun laws keep thieves from acquiring guns.
  12. I have one. However, I am an automotive service professional.
  13. This isn't really new, but it works well: http://www.steckmfg.com/Lockout.htm
  14. Yes, it's fixed... for the 2008 model year. This is the "good one" guys. I don't think they've had a really good diesel since the 7.3.
  15. Be sure your avatar would be into a long distance thing. Look at the location!
  16. Thanks for posting that, it clears up some the garble that people are reading into this bill, such as the link that I posted. I always like to hear both sides, and in this case get to read the actual bill.
  17. So, this is going for vote in the House today. Here's an interesting take on it: http://www.nationalgunrights.org/h-r-822-a-trojan-horse/
  18. Here's a link to the full text: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr822rh/pdf/BILLS-112hr822rh.pdf
  19. Yes, if a state doesn't allow carry, you'd still have to not carry. I think it's to make reciprocity a bit more universal, rather than having to get several states' permits to be covered in most, then to have to know which one works in what state...
  20. jporter12


    No, I am too important to slow down for anyone other than me. Hey newb, that's normal around here...
  21. Don't remember seeing this posted before. I get the Congress Megavote email every week, and this was on the upcoming section: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/bills/?billtype=H.R.822&congress=112 Original Sponsor: Cliff Stearns (R-FL 6th) Cosponsor Total: 246 (last sponsor added 10/13/2011) 212 Republicans 34 Democrats About This Legislation: 2/18/2011--Introduced. National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 - Amends the federal criminal code to authorize a person who is carrying a government-issued photographic identification document and a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state, and who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm under federal law, to carry a concealed handgun (other than a machinegun or destructive device) in another state in accordance with the restrictions of that state.
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