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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Beating a girl car with a hippie girl car does not equate to a win. J/K! Honda's that just think they're fast (when they really aren't) annoy me. I've had stock Civics mess with me on the bike (the 250 can even beat them) and I just laugh to myself!
  2. Out of my price range right now. That looks to be a good price for it though.
  3. Your avatar makes that post even funnier!
  4. Keep your booger hooker off the bang button until the target is acquired. That was funny though! I love his reaction!
  5. Glad to hear that you're going to be back on 2!
  6. Wasn't a change of mind, it was a confirmation.
  7. You don't read all of your own thread! http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=725334&postcount=81
  8. You haven't added me to the confirmed list, but I'm in, and the earlier time might be better for me, so that I can get home before it's too late.
  9. There's a reason that I don't camp. My idea of camping is exactly what Ghost-boy describes as backwoods, and I don't think I could handle that anymore. Therefore, no camping for me.
  10. Ok, MT. Count me in. Does he just want a check mailed to him like the deposit for the CCW class?
  11. He told me he's looking for one, now. (Not really, I haven't talked to him lately.)
  12. 900? That's about all that M&P can handle, isn't it worn out now?
  13. Terrible quality youtube of a kick-ass song.
  14. Repost! Reconrat is all over this sort of stuff! http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=79103 Maybe that will reduce the heat lawsuits?
  15. This latest change is just the last straw for me to stop the DVD service. The streaming is all we really use anyway, and that mainly for the kids, especially the endless supply of Thomas and Sesame Street episodes.
  16. Do you have any idea how much email goes through OSU's network? Neither do I, but I bet the volume is HUGE!
  17. I'm gonna be looking to get a 500, but not until after the beginning of the year.
  18. We...err... Kawikid got yelled at for turning around in some guy's driveway up there a couple years ago!
  19. Were you guys late for the lunch spot, or really early? I was through there around 3:00 and nobody was there.
  20. No, I read just fine, I was commenting that the Yosh pipes would quiet it down. More confused that you would do that!
  21. No. Nobody wants to be like you. (Nor would they want to be like me!) Someone may want the same kind of bike you have though! Grew up? Looks like a decent deal.
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