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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Fuck you middle aged man that can't read for shit. I said 'a bit' not a year.
  2. If you folks don't buy this helmet from him you are idiots.
  3. How about you actually get the bike and ride it for a bit before you start changing shit.
  4. Shoot me a price on a large white one when you have time MIKE.
  5. I have worn this helmet, it is fucking awesome.
  6. Peoples names are important to them, if you f' them up they end up hating you. Yes, I hate you.
  7. You are welcome, but you should probably thank Sam. It was at his house not mine. And it's Tonik with a K. Damn noobs.
  8. True story. I actually had to put in extra effort to give you the lesser ban.
  9. There are two levels of ban. The one I gave you and a second that stops you from visiting the site. Because, as you know, I'm a nice guy I gave you the lesser ban.
  10. Only 14 more minutes until @Steve Butters is back! Wonder if he is sitting there hitting the refresh button.
  11. I agree, you earned a full ban for Steve and now @Casper cheated you.
  12. Banned peeps can still post in the chatbox.
  13. Thanks Trump for not colluding with the Russians like Hillary did. https://apnews.com/8b95a7cf7bcb4585b00c038be2257ba4/GOP-led-House-panel-officially-clears-Trump-in-Russia-probe
  14. More people need to be like him. World would be a better place.
  15. Not sure you fully comprehend the purpose of the Gay Garage Gang Bang Motorcyle Meat and Greet if you have to ask that question.
  16. No pork for you, and you won't be riding, let alone driving, the Tesla.
  17. As you can see from his post above, he has delegated banning to me.
  18. No, thats not what it means. You don't make the rules for my contests.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/27/world/asia/north-korea-south-kim-jong-un.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  20. This thread just became a ban contest. You won.
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