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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. If I lived in Ravenna I would say the same thing.
  2. Smart man doing it this way. Welcome aboard.
  3. I got your tip right here. Just the tip, promise.
  4. I'm with @Isaac's Papa. I check mine before each ride.
  5. This will never get old. http://www.npr.org/2017/04/07/522902281/senate-confirms-gorsuch-to-supreme-court
  6. Oh oh, It's Easter Weekend. Just found out I am going to Michigan for the weekend. I am out, this blows dead goats.
  7. At the very lease alert Shopify, link to all the scam reports. Get it taken down.
  8. This is a special case. He just bought this bike and in another thread there is a pic of some nasty stuff in the coolant tank.
  9. Tonik


    No one uses paper anymore old man. We are closing the library at the HS this summer. We are averaging 1 book check out per student, per YEAR. And Sena has an app for that, has all the manuals in it.
  10. No, it won't. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnuson–Moss_Warranty_Act
  11. You will be old too some day. And your kids will be posting about you on the interwebs.
  12. You need a new credit card company, that is total BS.
  13. Yea, thats why I rarely do them.
  14. Your post was messed up on the desktop version. Some Facebook crap. This was my one good deed for the month.
  15. Damn noobs can't post right.
  16. Here, on f'ing Amazon. If you want ANYTHING just search Amazon. Even has a god damn gauge built in. https://www.amazon.com/Decker-BDCMTHPI-Inflator-Multi-Tool-Attachment/dp/B00FJX7YCU
  17. We need @jschaf in here. He has a spreadsheet under his seat for what pressures to set the tires at depending upon the ambient air temps. Bet he has a kick ass pressure gauge.
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