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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. ^^ Owned a bike that liked receiving anal.
  2. That is a good point, Obama cut back defense spending pretty dramatically his last 3 or 4 years. If you survived that you are good for the next 4 for sure.
  3. So your continued employment depends on a defense contract. That settles it, time to move on.
  4. At noon we would have been down around Caldwell.
  5. Where the hell is the video of my wheelie?
  6. Been on that shit all my life, and as all of you know I am perfectly normal.
  7. Really appreciate the updates. The partial lung collapse was from the impact? Getting back on perv topic, he has an inflator tube to get those lungs back in shape.
  8. Already in test on the Ohio Turnpike. http://www.toledoblade.com/Automotive/2016/12/01/Otto-the-self-driving-truck-travels-Ohio-Turnpike.html
  9. He better do it while on top, if he is on the bottom he will never be able to roll back over.
  10. I guess ultimately it's up to his wife feels about interspecies sex.
  11. So are you allowed to have sex but only if you wear your shell?
  12. You should change your forum title from 'Resident Macgyver' to 'Biker in a half shell'
  13. Tonik

    CR, real response?

    Put it on EBay with a starting bid set to the lowest you are willing to take for it.
  14. That's what the rock he landed on said!! Had to do it, that is how I deal with stuff like this. Sick humor.
  15. The 2.2 charger is the correct answer.
  16. L3 is the lower spine, for what that info is worth.
  17. http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/chain-o-ring-wd-40-exposure-effects-study-and-results.345397/
  18. @2talltim was hiking earlier today, he slid down a rock messed himself up. Compression fracture of L-3. Dunno if surgery is needed, MRI in the morning. That's all I got, which is from Facebook.
  19. FFS, so the video of my wheelie is gone?
  20. Home, 363 glorious miles. Had a blast gang, can't wait to see @NinjaDoc 's video of my wheelie.
  21. Only 2 days? Lightweight.
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