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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. On 28 south of Franklin as you pass over the mountains there are several waterfalls. One you can't miss and you can park your bike under. The others are marked with signs. In Highlands stop and walk around downtown for a few minutes. Cool resort town with neat shops. The scenic overlooks are clearly marked the whole time you are down there. If you have time, blast over to Maggie Valley and hit the Wheels through Time motorcycle museum. Awesome museum, he had a show on Discovery or one of those cable channels for awhile. Very cool dude, if he is there ask him to do some burnouts. He will, right in the museum. https://wheelsthroughtime.com/ If you go to it you can make it a nice day trip, stop in Pidgeon Forge/Gattlingburg too..hit a bit of the BRP. https://goo.gl/maps/bMqFagBbBk12 That also gets you on Foothills Pkwy. One of the best roads down there, especially the way you ride. Even if you just round trip that road you will love it. It is just north of the Dragon off 129.
  2. This is the go to route that I invented years ago that everyone else uses and raves about. It covers all of the above, but not all of Blood Mountain. Tuff to hit Wolf Pen and all of Blood at the same time. https://goo.gl/maps/ubUwddnqNfC2 In Franklin you have to go here, and get a bowl of the Blue Crab Bisque. Yes, I was the first to discover this place too. They only take cash. Don't let the fact that it shares space with a gas station fool you. It is 5 star French with very fair prices. https://www.facebook.com/CaffeRel/ I am assuming you are trailing down, so I won't bother to waste time with my routes to get down there. If that is incorrect let me know.
  3. He means the coffee place. Damn hipsters.
  4. She's a lesbian, which is even better. Plus she is hardcore into motorcycles.
  5. Why does search suck (rhetorical question) If I search for It would appear or "It would appear" I should get the thread below. But I don't. This happens dang near every time.
  6. So the phone has decided Thursday's weather up north is going to suck, so we are leaving noonish tomorrow/Wednesday. Not counting Ohio, 11 States total.
  7. Contact the local office of your Congress critter on the House side, not the Senate. They will help.
  8. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Tonight on Nat Geo a bunch of hackers he/I know are starting a series on hacking. Dave is in there a bit, but overall it looks to be very interesting. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/breakthrough-series/videos/what-is-white-hat-hacking/
  9. My kid gave this to me last night. Currently an Amazon best seller. I have to admit, it is the definitive source on why to vote Dem. Very enlightening.
  10. Suurrreee the lens made it look like you couldn't keep up.
  11. One other idea. XD makes a small carry 9. My kid has it, I have shot it, excellent gun. I still regret selling my XD 40.
  12. Awesome man, thanks. Unfortunate that you were too far back to get the wheelie on film.
  13. It's cool. I am an expert on Kaw tank venting systems. I don't know shit about anything else.
  14. That tire is flat out awesome looking.
  15. Going to toss out another idea. Smith also makes the 38 Bodyguard. Basically a J frame 5 shot revolver. That is my carry gun now. Shoots really well, I can center mass them all day long at 25. Super easy and safe to carry and always goes boom.
  16. On the Nomad you could pop the seal out and take a bit of the spring out and it would vent faster and get rid if the whine. I never did it, prefered to troll the Harley tards at gas stops. If you decide to take it apart tape the tank opening up so you dont drop the seal, ball and spring into the tank. But I dont think anything is broke here.
  17. No it's not. Its a Kaw. Its a negative pressure vent. It sucks air in when the tank cools so it doesn't implode the tank. My Voyager has the same set up. So did my Nomad. The Nomad made this really cool whining noise when it let air in. Happened shortly after you shut it down. I would tell all the Harley tards it was my turbo winding down. It also not the source of his gas smell.
  18. No, I had 2 peeps on block before I became a mod. Soon as I got mod status I was subjected to their drivel again. If it makes you feel better, they can't block us either.
  19. You said "not buying any givi stuff ever again" Neg rep is for trying to wiggle out.
  20. Put some hair around the hole. The 'nipple' won't miss anymore going in.
  21. Yea, that was it. Justin is on a roll. Saved my life once and now he saved my rep in this thread.
  22. I don't remember for sure. Thought you did though.
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