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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Its not the pictures, its the links and the tracking involved.
  2. First there are legit security concerns on the server/casper side. For people that use it, Tapatalk has been turned into a data mining machine. It hijacks links so they can get redirect clicks, pictures you post....all of it belongs to them. And much of it is not disclosed in their privacy/terms of use, which is what I find most troubling. What you are doing is supposed to be disclosed. Not hidden.
  3. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    You need to max out the way points in Google before you convert or sygic will take shortcuts. Often you have to split routes....google wont let you put in enough on a long route. For example i doubt your Saturday route will work in one shot.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I think they will work, I just googled the diff. If you dont have it yet wait till Thursday to get it. First 7 days are free premium. But those routes are android only.
  5. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Will Sygic let you put the maps on the SD?
  6. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Maybe we shouldn't let the smug iPhone peeps follow our nav, which actually works.
  7. With the number of deer around here he doesn't need a bow. Just climb a tree and smoke dope until he falls out. He will land on one and kill it.
  8. And not using your data for the push notifications, or feeding all your personal info to the peeps that own Tapatalk. Really folks, you should look into the privacy issues with Tapatalk.
  9. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Until you lose your phone or drop it in a toilet and lose it all. Get the pics and vids off there and onto a DVD. Or use googles cloud storage that you get for free with your Google Account.
  10. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    WTF you got on there? I have no SD card...so my phone has 25 GB free for me to use. With Sygic and maps for damn near half the country and 800 or so songs I still am only using about 12 GB of my storage.
  11. There are easily 2 days of great roads in that area.
  12. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    We won't vote until we get to Marion and see where we are at. But anyone can do whatever they want at that point of course. I expect we will be fine and will be able to do it.
  13. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Here are two new Sygic files. Sat morning Parkersburg to Beckley meet spot. Before you start navigating with it drag point J just a little further south on Paint Creek Rd. so it forces you south from there and on to 77. The other is from a gas station in Marion to the hotel Saturday via 421 if we go that way. That Shell as you turn left at the bottom of 16 in Marion is a good re-meet point if we split up on 16. Marion 421 Johnson City.itf Parkersburg to Beckley.itf
  14. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    421 would add an hour BTW, but worth it.
  15. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    We discussed this earlier, but wanted to remind everyone about this possibility of a route change Saturday. If we get our asses to Beckley on time and get our asses rolling from there quickly and haul ass down 16 we can take our asses across 421 'The Snake' on the way to Johnson City. If we don't, our asses will be slabbing it for 90 minutes or so at the end of the day. No promises, we have a large group and limited daylight. But I am willing to try and pull it off.
  16. The law is 2.5 acers total, but it can be between multiple owners. And as I am being told by my awesome council person there is a huge list of land owners that want people to come and hunt. And yes, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel. There are 16 living on my street alone. It is insane. I forgot to mention, you must hunt elevated.
  17. Create a rule, for example in Gmail label from admin@ohioriders.net to an OR folder and notify. Not giving anyone a hard time here, cept Casper, just pointing out options.
  18. I have been here for years, and I promise you nothing @Casper has to say is worthy of an instant notification. And I would aurgue that email notifications on his comments are not warranted either. Carrier pigeon would be appropriate, if it was very dead.
  19. You can get email notifications for all of that, if that helps.
  20. Same as above, one shortcut on screen for OR and one for regular browsing.
  21. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Np, you and cbbaron can stand off to the side during the cherahala espresso break.
  22. Ok, its official, I have contacts for land in Seven Hills for bow hunting. Hunted all my younger years and I am certain this will be excellent hunting. Multiple spots, all private. Express your interest and I will pm you contact info.
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