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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Did Open World have Wu Tang. Or do they suck too?
  2. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I am leaving work in Elyria at 11:30ish Friday. Taking the route below if anyone wants to follow, but not close enough for Sena pairing. Just blasting down 83 all the way to Parkersburg. I will post up my GPS tracker later on if you want to meet along the way. https://goo.gl/maps/jDGt1fa4ASP2 Also, a couple of you please look at the routes for each day, get them in your GPS or print them out or something. It appears we have a pretty big crew, we may need to split into two groups. That would also allow the faster peeps to do their thing if they want.
  3. Call your surgeon's office and ask them. They are smarter about this stuff than we are. We are pretty much dumbasses.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it pull it's head out of it's ass.
  5. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Lost cause man. He is a track whore now, he doesn't ride his bike more than 10 laps at a time anymore.
  6. Tonik

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Is Wu Tang there? If not, it sucks and I won't be there.
  7. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Wooo, trip might be going epic.
  8. That doesn't make you less gay, it just hides your gayness. Be yourself man, we will support you. Honest.
  9. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I really hope you have a Sena.
  10. Good decision. Hauling a cruiser around on a trailer is gay as fuck.
  11. Buy this bike, then bring it grasshopper.
  12. I know this game, played it before with some peeps for laughs. You will be faster on the corners with better lean angle, but I know that so I will over brake in the corners to slow you down, then unleash my 1700 cc's on the straights and kick your ass. Until you figure out what I am doing, then you will lay back so you can maintain your speed advantage in the corners and exit faster than me and with that head start you will do ok on the straights. But that won't be enough to pass me unless you do it on a corner. So you would keep up just fine, if you lay back a bit. Or you would be right on my ass in the Dragon, not enough straights for me to pull away.
  13. Ohio Highway Patrol has plate scanners. Scans as they drive past you. Had someone in a group I was leading get pulled over from that a few years ago.
  14. Send me a PM with address, quantity and color preference.
  15. Ahh ok. John gets a pass on the stickers then.
  16. And where the hell are the OR stickers I sent you?
  17. Slackers. I have three on my primary, next to that is a Surface Book and a Chromebook. Then behind me is another full desktop.
  18. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    It's that way to accommodate all the different geographies of the people attending. It's not lame, its fucking genius.
  19. Yours has done that too, on a trailer.
  20. Fuck no I hate you. But I am man enough to recognize when a blind retarded squirrel accidentally finds a nut.
  21. I said everybody, not asshats.
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