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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Derek mans up!!

    Did he change the oil too?
  2. And finally kills the blinky lights.
  3. There you go @Bad324 Soon as John turns 67.5 you will have a bike. Congrats man!!
  4. Don't F around with them man. Meet them head on right away, it will only get worse.
  5. No, but you just entered the contest. Just two of you so far. 50 50 this could end bad for you.
  6. Its ok man. I am actually more butthurt that at the epic ride you didn't sat hello, let alone introduce me to your passenger. Dont bother much looking for the old drama. IP hit the wrong button and made it go poof.
  7. Take it out of Johns Social Security. When he thought that was my government pension in his chart he was all in favor if cutting that. Can't imagine he changed his mind that quickly. Dang, being a liberal troll is fun.
  8. He skipped contact info, year and miles. But gave us enough info if you use his profile to find the ad on CL. If that was his plan I applaud his genius. And no harm done.
  9. You may want to investigate your source. It is one of the more commonly debunked purveyors of BS out there. For example NASA's budget as well as most government research spending is lumped into Education. He drops certain mandatory spending right off as it suits him. Pensions? You do realize he includes social security in there right? You just did the conservative equivalent of a liberal quoting Micheal Moore or The Daily Kos.
  10. You know what, this all you right wing wacko's fault. The amount of money it costs for these social programs is NOTHING in comparison to how much money you bastards spend trying to kill Arabs. How has that worked out for you? Are they dead? Have they given up? Fuck no, you are all total failures. So how about we cut defense spending in half, double the spending on social programs/education and give everyone a tax cut. We would have money left over to burn not to mention buy @Bad324 a bike.
  11. Well, that would certainly work. I will give you that. Just let the kids starve to death. I guess the little ones can sell Chiclets on the street corners.
  12. Holy crap, I am @magley64 now.
  13. When there are a reasonable number of decent paying jobs and the education system to get these 24K people into them. I think you VASTLY over estimate the number of lazy people. They are not lazy, they are fucked the minute they are born. They are being raised by people that were fucked the minute they were born. The problem has been going on for so long that we are dealing with generational poverty now. You tell them to work hard and get a good job...They have no idea what that means. None. Man, we are feeding close to 80 percent of the kids in Elyria three times a day all year long. Those kids ain't lazy, they are starving. Things are seriously f'd up man.
  14. Yes you are, you just don't realize it. If you flat tax someone making 24K you will destroy any chance they have of feeding themselves.
  15. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    That is pretty much when I stop any way. As for the freeway, we all hate it. But sometimes you have to get where you are going to get.
  16. Yea, we should tax the hell out of people making less than 24K. Fuckers.
  17. That is the way CL works for everything. Damn that is a good looking bike.
  18. If the repubs continue to control the house and senate Hillary will be impeached for lying to Congress about the emails. That will make Kaine President, he isn't too bad.
  19. Great idea!! A 'Guess my bike or get banned thread'. Thanks man!!!
  20. You're jealous you didn't think of this.
  21. Yes, it's time for another of my awesome ban contests. This one is going to be great. Warning. If you post in this thread you might get banned for three days. Post below to enter. You may only enter once, but you may post as much as you want. From the posts below one lucky winner will randomly be selected. That winner will get to pick one person from the remaining entries to get BANNED for three days. That's right, if you win...you ban someone else!! Contest ends Monday morning the 22nd. I will draw the winner and notify them. As soon as they get back to me the 3 day ban for who ever they pick will go into effect. Owners, moderators and other employees of OR are not eligible for this contest.
  22. I would buy the one that fits better. If they fit the same I would buy the Bell, it's nicer. Price wouldn't sway me, comfort would.
  23. That's all the places he trailered his bike. It's a biker thing, some peeps make a map like that.
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