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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Me too man. I though this was a pretty cool idea.
  2. And the winner is........ @Wojo72 !!! The list of ban candidates is: @MidgetTodd @TwiztedRabbit @zx3vfr Pick one sir and post it here and I will ban them for three days!!
  3. Wooo, another entry!! 9 AM is the deadline gang. Get signed up.
  4. PM me your address and what colors you want. I will drop some in the mail. I only have basic colors, nothing fancy.
  5. tldr version: Joe can't figure out how to use Android and he already spent too much money on other iCrap.
  6. Time is running out, contest ends tomorrow morning. Get signed up, you know you want to ban @MidgetTodd
  7. I've answered this question here a dozen times. Sygic, then get ITN Converter for free to convert google maps to Sygic.
  8. Current rumor is that it will be waterproof.
  9. Fat ones don't qualify. Judges deduct for big splashes.
  10. I love you too man. I don't understand how anyone with any morals can continue to vote for people that are sending our children to die, to allegedly save people that want to kill us. The lesser of two evils is bullshit. What, vote for Stalin because he isnt as bad as Hitler? That is retarded.
  11. When you own one bike you can lecture me about not owning two.
  12. All the cool kids will be on a Gap trip that day.
  13. This thread reminda me of the Special Olympics. If you win, you have only beaten a fellow retard.
  14. Use your own plates, your insurance should cover you no matter what but you can call them and give them the vin if your are ocd. Jist be cool on the way home.
  15. So this is at the top if I am seeing it correctly. Not going to be a problem, its only going to get splashed. Its not soaked all the time like the bottom is. Add some gasket maker in that area and dont worry about it.
  16. Well at least your next iphone will be waterproof. Welcome to two years ago.
  17. If you had a Samsung instead of an iPhone you would have been fine.
  18. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Guess we need a test on reading my posts too. You fail, just to be clear.
  19. That would be the middle class that continue to buy basic goods and services.
  20. If I was a pussy I would sell my existing bike and buy a pool table.
  21. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, I tried really hard to get us to Lexington Monday, but it would have been tough. I cut a lot just to get us to Rocky Top.
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