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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I don't share rooms.
  2. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Considering your phone is infected with the Tapatalk virus I wouldn't be too quick to blame them.
  3. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I will need the credit card number, expiration date and the three digit number on the back to be able to fully help you with this situation.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    That would lead me to believe that their shit is broke right now. Try later.
  5. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

  6. I look forward to my death. Won't have to deal with asshats like you anymore.
  7. Subject of this thread is a total lie. It was a truck. Shameful.
  8. Gotta love it when grammar/spelling Nazis get owned.
  9. But i do like the initiation idea!
  10. This isnt my thread. Even mine are not this bad.
  11. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Sorry, missed you on the list. I have added you.
  12. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Ok, as a moderator for OR it is my duty to help people here get what they want. So if its about quality and not quantity you staying home would be a very cool thing to do for the rest of us.
  13. Back off asshat, I got dibs on Ian's hunting talents. When he kills all the deer in my city he can move to yours.
  14. I just pinged my city government contact, he will know of someone.
  15. Also look at the suburbs of the Cleveland area. Tons of them are allowing bow hunting starting this year. Mine is for example (Seven Hills), maybe contact City Hall and see if they have a list of interested home owners. My yard isn't big enough or I would let you. Hate those fuckers. It would be a slaughter, put your blind up the night before. Climb up and you will get one before the sun is fully up.
  16. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Attendance list updated in first post to reflect recent changes in attendance and so on.
  17. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Ok, so I believe enough time has passed to allow everyone to not look at the routes and to not make any suggestions. So I went ahead and made my reservations. Watch the websites, Econo Lodge and Days Inn are pushing 'pay now' and get a deal. But you can't cancel or change the reservation.
  18. Is that a bug, or was it working as those fuckers intended?
  19. Can't decide who the fifth should be, there are a couple tied. I suggested we just put up six. Then Casper went out of town or something. I am pushing hard for you man, just because you can't mod with Tapatalk. That would make my day.
  20. I should also clarify, Charter Schools in the rest of the country seem to be doing pretty good. But the way the State of Ohio set it up and allows them to operate they are a scam.
  21. Charter School funding is a can of worms. When a child transfers to a charter school the State portion of the funding follows the child. Plus about 5K of the local funding. Which is odd, when I vote for a levy for the Parma Schools I am voting for a levy for the Parma Schools, not some unknown Charter School. Also, the public school district despite just loosing 8 or 10 grand when the child moved still has to bus the child from their home to the charter school. As for the failure of public education, if your suggestion is that charter schools are the answer you are mistaken. They are considerably worse in almost every category. Don't confuse Charter Schools with Private Schools. Two very different animals.
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