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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yea,that is hard to say. But I think it is a big part of the solution. It has to be an all of the above I think. More education dollars, and when I say that I mean more education dollars for counseling, social work, tutoring and life coaches. As someone in a school it bugs me that we are being left to do this, but with the right resources we are the best choice. There is a private org here that is run by a teacher that quit to do just this....they have targeted about a dozen kids. And those kids are doing much better so far. Yes, more aggressively taking these kids out of these environments. If they are being raised by someone busted for crack or heroin or crap like that, just take them. If we grab them at 4 or 5 and put a couple in @whaler 's house I have no doubt they will do as well as his kids are. That's gonna be expensive to do. And somehow, we have to create inner city jobs. Poverty is a huge part of this issue. I have NFI how to do that.
  2. Yep. But the question becomes do we give up on the kids and pay later when they become crack heads and criminals and breed more kids, or do we try and save them now?
  3. Holy made up bullshit numbers Batman. Akron spends $13,550.34 per student, no where near 20K +. And Medina isn't that far below at 10,500. These are State of Ohio Auditor numbers that I have extensive access to, they are indisputable.
  4. He means you @2talltim in case you were unsure.
  5. You should buy your new step son a bike.
  6. I said 'totally hate' as in I hate him, just not as much as I hate you.
  7. Welcome to the darkside grasshopper.
  8. They won't do that. They would rather spend boatloads more giving them unemployment, welfare and keeping them in jail.
  9. And @Wojo72 is back. Just couldn't bear to make him go away for three days. He is one of the few people around here that I don't totally hate.
  10. And if you peeps think our tax and spending issues are because of the cost of welfare, social programs and the like you are on crack. Those numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the spending we do.
  11. Maybe if people stopped electing people that spend shit loads more money than we are taking in on taxes we wouldn't have to raise taxes. Stop blaming others for your shitty choices at the polls. For example the 2nd Iraq war cost close to 6 Trillion dollars with interest, and we killed roughtly 100,000 enemy combatants. That is about 60 Million per Arab killed. Do any of you think that is a good return on our investment?
  12. Tonik

    Ride 4 Record

    The start your bike thing is 230.
  13. I meant the swing set for the kids.
  14. Tonik

    Ride 4 Record

    Bump, this Sunday. I will be there.
  15. Done. Cuz you came up with an amazingly clever twist to this otherwise crappy contest I didn't ban you from seeing the site, just posting. If you need in...like you broke down and need one of us to help just email me at KennedyJamesD @Gmail.com and I will lift it. Otherwise, see you Thursday at 11:30AM
  16. Yea. Ripped out a whole wall to get to it to see wtf was up. It's just minor moisture...not a 'leak'. Just years of dampness destroyed the drywall. But going to get that whole wall dug and sealed from the outside just to be sure. Should only be a few grand. Next weekend I get to rebuild the wall. I f'ing hate drywall, more than I hate @Casper if you can imagine that.
  17. Not at all. One of my rules is that I get to pick and choose what rules I follow.
  18. I am so bummed about this. I know I am going to get reemed and accused of being @Bad324 but I honestly was going to grab this Saturday morning. Had my kid lined up to drive me down so I could offer driving the TESLA as leverage to get the bags. Wife had pulled the cash out of the bank for me. But I got home from work Friday night to find we have basement water issue. Doesn't look too bad, couple of grand tops. But until I know for sure I just can't do it.
  19. I am not committing a federal pound you in the ass prison felony so your kids can see porn. That is why you bought them a phone.
  20. Blocking porn here is a requirement of Federal Law. So I am just following the rules.
  21. Correct, I follow my own rules. Simply because there is nothing I despise more than a hypocrite. But fuck other peoples rules.
  22. The correct answer is a blending of a flat tax that is progressive. Flat rates, virtually no special deductions or 'loopholes'. But varying rates for different income brackets.
  23. Would love to, but I am a man of principles and rules.
  24. I'll trade you Bad's pool table for it.
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