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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik


    So a complete engine rebuild?
  2. Derek was the organizer. Maybe he doesn't like you.
  3. Unless it's a Duc. In that case you should keep going to get a head start on the next problem.
  4. Tonik


  5. Thanks. Glad to see it is working as intended.
  6. Going to need them for bacon too. http://time.com/4414870/this-86-year-old-woman-fought-off-a-thief-with-bacon/
  7. I find it interesting that you haven't.
  8. Did you know they got little remotes for those lights. You walk around the lot and change your lights and impress the other G S X R owners.
  9. Haha I was just coming back to correct that.
  10. Assuming the clutch is normal and nothing is bent it has to be the levers. Doesn't mean all Chinese levers suck, just these do. Again assuming pull is normal and its all straight.
  11. I have a pic of me like that somewhere.
  12. About 50/50 sport and cruisers. Lots of Victory and Indians. Harley must be feeling it by now. But there were a ton of sportbikes with those damn neon lights. Llke this gixxer.
  13. If you want to test drive my kids tesla you can.
  14. Ok, played for 2 minutes and uninstalled.
  15. I support that man. Ride your ride.
  16. Wait. Lets make our own app. Pokemon Ho. And use it to find hookers and blow.
  17. I'm trying to learn how to install apps so I can help @Idiot out.
  18. So I hang a bit at XDA Forums. A place for Android phones and modding them. The big thing over there now is faking your gps location so you can Pokemon without leaving the house.
  19. I'm calling BS. Anyone that plays Pokemon Go doesn't have a GF.
  20. For me it emotional too. He is turning it into an Islamic Fundamentalist State. He has been converting the secular schools to Fundamentalist for years, he is consolidating power to himself. He is transforming the country. Yea, the Fundies came out in droves to support him during the coup. I am confident that there is no shortage of them in that country. And when he is done, it will be a breading ground for terrorists that will want to kill us. Democratically elected or not, that is very bad for us.
  21. Ok, I'll ignore anyone that is external on this subject.
  22. Regarding voter turnout..voting is compulsory in Turkey. No fine, but the numbers in the last election are consistent with turnout that they have had for years.
  23. https://erikmeyersson.com/2015/11/04/digit-tests-and-the-peculiar-election-dynamics-of-turkeys-november-elections/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/02/15/were-there-irregularities-in-turkeys-2015-elections-we-used-our-new-forensic-toolkit-to-check/
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