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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Oh, and bottom left of this page you can report them to ODOT. My city kept blowing me off on the one at the end of my street not working on my bike. I contacted ODOT and within two weeks a city crew was out fixing it. https://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Operations/Traffic/Pages/OTEHomePage.aspx
  2. What did he suggest you do in a case like that?
  3. ...why did the DNC build one four miles long around their convention?
  4. Dunno man. That is far off, who knows what I will be thinking then. But liter bikes are my next test ride.
  5. And sometimes you save them from themselves and suggest they go to WV instead.
  6. You know you could have just had me sit on your bike for that shot.
  7. Two days is kinda up one day, back the next. Its far man.
  8. Holy crap man, that is awesome.
  9. Oh there are pics. I think he intends to photoshop the hell out of it first. Yea, you nailed it. The path forward is much more clear now, keep the couch and add something pure sport to the garage.
  10. Back was fine, it fit like a glove. Even my long ass legs felt fine, and at speed hardly any pressure on my arms. Just tightened up with my knees and stomach and I was comfy. Tracy, Derek, John and Brian had to be laughing their asses off as I got on and pulled out. Took a few tries to figure out where the hell to put my feet. Took a few more miles to get ok with basically going down the road head first with next to nothing in front of me. But very quickly it all felt very natural. I don't think we have narrowed it down to an R6, but we certainly have narrowed it down to a more 'traditional' sport bike. The FJR didn't do much for me, it is a great bike. Comfy, handles like a dream. But it didn't make me smile, it didn't grab me. Every bike I have ever bought grabbed me really quickly. And honestly I didn't like the seating position. Kind of half sportbike half cruiser, it didn't fell natural at all to me.
  11. Nope, wont take it down. R6 was a freaking blast.
  12. Its very busy. Not on the fjr until 1. R6 at 11.
  13. I will see you.down there. Gonna sleep in and set the cruise on 71.
  14. What's your plan for getting down there?
  15. Ok, I'm out for today. Not going to make it. Maybe tomorrow.
  16. One less furry following me I guess. http://ktla.com/2016/04/28/man-wearing-animal-outfit-claiming-to-have-explosives-shot-outside-baltimore-tv-station/
  17. Did you put in your cfp for derbycon yet? Closes Aug 1.
  18. With a crime rate of 49 per one thousand residents, Newark has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/oh/newark/crime/
  19. I hate tomatoes. And Casper.
  20. You ungrateful bastard. I am creating compelling content for your site, running contests with my own personal points and even lining up a TESLA for members here to test drive. Jumping Jesus on a Pogo stick I even bring Donuts to all the events for everyone. Without me, you suck. You still suck, well you still suck just less. Even I can't overcome your suckyness. God Damn ungrateful kids.
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