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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Yea, I grew up in Detroit. Still go there a lot to visit family. Detroit isn't even close to Cleveland, that city is messed up. As for putting stock in sport teams, it's entertainment and it certainly impacted my life. I had a blast going to the games, watching and cheering. Didn't 'change' my life but provided a great deal of joy. Should we give up motorcycling since it doesn't really change our lives either, other than the massive amount of joy it brings.
  2. Stop talking about this man. http://ohioccw.org/201306085085/attorney-client-privilege.html
  3. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Welcome to the dark side.
  4. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    I am aware of your preference, thus why I use the other.
  5. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    I was trying to find that thread, I was going to point it out to our Resident Idiot. He needs it to understand where this thread is coming from.
  6. Again, the best use of these points is to send them to me. Go to the points page and hit the transfer button.
  7. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Yep. But he man'ed up. Said he messed up, apologized a bunch of times and made it right. Wrote is a very nice letter about the whole thing. You measure people not by the mistakes they make, but how they correct them. Kind of like how you man'ed up and admitted the quote/draft thing was broke and made it right. Wait, that didnt happen.
  8. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    And only one damaged cop car. Far different than the OSU riots after their win in 2015. Very proud of my city.
  9. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    And getting back to Bad's original point, capacity where the blue balls play is 18,500.
  10. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    I misread, there is no debate about the ix center/landing crowd, it was over 20k. Multiple reports of that number.
  11. We all need to click at the bottom and nominate it for 'best of'.
  12. My trip is going to be cooler, staying at the hotel where they filmed The Shinning.
  13. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    WTF are you talking about? You mean when they moved 20 miles up the street in a planned move to a new stadium from Richfield?
  14. Perfect time for that area, rain really drops off. Go now, or even into July and it will be monsoons all the time. Focus on Vermont if you can, that is where the roads are. Adirondacks look good on paper, but in person...not so much.
  15. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Really torn here, who do I back. Casper or Bad. There is no good choice. Lebrons house is just a couple miles from my kids, driven by it many times. It is a small pretty tight street. No way 20k can get in there. No parking either, tight roads with big ditches as you come in. But this event is massive, nothing the cbus blue balls could ever do to equal it. There will be 800k at the parade.
  16. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Let 'em pretend, it's all they got.
  17. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    LOL, so you did. 06/17/2016 11:58AM Funds Received 277 So @Casper in keeping with our theme of ruining this sports topic we should get a notification when we get points.
  18. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Yet despite that coupled with your dismissive "I have no control over quotes" I solved the problem. That's what real IT people do, solve problems for users, no matter what the cause and without excuses. You should try it sometime.
  19. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    I just solved a major problem for users of this board. I expect massive rep and points to come my way. And it didn't cost @Casper a dime. You're fucking welcome.
  20. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    And that is pretty hard to do I might add.
  21. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Initial testing indicates that I just made you look like a genius. Totally fixes the issue on Android Chrome.
  22. Tonik

    F U Cbus

  23. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    Typical BOFH. Blame the user with no concern for actually providing proper service. It is borked man, having two tabs open freaks it out. Changing your mind, freaks it out. It is barely useful in the first place and causes problems. Kill it. You leave me no choice. I am putting some anti freeze in a moonshine jar and giving it to @Isaac's Papa You know how that is going to go, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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