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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Lol, I'm disputing a legal iissue with a lawyer.
  2. This is different. Before it was illegal to make these mods. Now it is going to be illegal to sell these mods. I believe that means pci's and aftermarket pipes for our bikes might very well be illegal. And they no longer have to try and find us, they just need to bust the manufacturer. Enforcement becomes easy peezy.
  3. So today we learned Asians suck at math and grammar.
  4. No you won't, we will be there within minutes of each other, both right around 10 AM. I thought you Asians were good at math?
  5. Leaving Dunkin Donuts at Broadview and Pleasant Valley at 8AM. Gas stop just before New Concord in Cambridge. Slabbing down 77, then 21 to avoid Akron because Akron sucks then back on 77 near New Philadelphia . Pace will be 8 to 10 over the posted limit. If you are anywhere along the route and want to jump in we will stop and pick you up. https://goo.gl/maps/gtbLbACpDVQ2
  6. Currently broke if you manually type them. The Incompetent One is aware of it and working it.
  7. I always liked it. It was Casper I was busting on, just cuz.
  8. You know, it doesn't even matter that I dont have a Harley, that is a great post sir.
  9. That is good news for that bike. I am happy for it. The previous owner just kept it parked, it was sad.
  10. I sincerely hope this works out for you track peeps. It may be a good thing.
  11. It was a Duc guy that took us down this path in this thread and since we are making generalities about Harely peeps then all the Duc peeps are going down with him. I know lots of Harely peeps, they are not criminals. I also know lots of Duc peeps and all of them that have followed me down twisty roads have crashed, except one. Maybe they crashed because of mechanical failure?
  12. Tonik

    CHL renewal

    Nice, but alas I am in Cuyahoga. Geaga has a great reputation. Less than a week. Lake is really good, they often do them while you wait. Think about it. This is nothing now, its the smae background check as buying a gun. Howpng does that take.
  13. If it makes you feel any better I had to haul my last kawasaki back from f'ing Canada in a Uhaul once. Thank goodness for trip interuption insurance. Best 12 bucks I ever spent.
  14. Tonik

    Cavs vs Lakers

    While I sincerely hope you get them, a selfie in your seats would be pretty damn funny
  15. Tonik

    Cavs vs Lakers

    Before the game I will go sit in the seats you didnt get and take a selfie for you.
  16. Tonik

    Cavs vs Lakers

    Well, the excuse thread will be there for you.
  17. You have notifications on. Go into your account and turn them off if you dont want them. But consider that what I post is important shit so maybe leave them on.
  18. Tonik

    Cavs vs Lakers

    This Wednesday, last time Kolbe will ever be in town. I'll be there in the floor club seats drinking and eating for free. You won't.
  19. Ok, I will play. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ducati&defid=952162
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