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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. This is the social media/internet marketing person (aka spammer) for Masei helmets you nitwits. https://www.google.com/search?q=Luusama&oq=Luusama&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
  2. Not looking good. Departure day is rain/snow mix. Very cold here when I would be getting back. Low's down there are in the mid 20's at night. Subtract another 10 or so up in the mountains.......
  3. I was not a fan of the S&W Bodyguard in the semi automatic version. The ergonomics were odd on the grip and the angle of it. Very odd. Lots of problems with the early versions, so be careful buying it used. Now, the 38 special revolver edition is one of my favs and what I carry.
  4. If you had it, you would be sure. It looks really bad after a couple of years.
  5. Engine black out? Did that year have the goofy clear coat over the engine that clouded?
  6. Yes I do. Appreciate you offering to get me one. Let me know when to pick it up. Prefer the 750 BS4. TIA
  7. Thanks, I hope so. That would be so epic. This is the case: CA-15-102540 DAVID A. BENTKOWSKI vs. MATTHEW TRAFIS, ET AL. Cuyahoga County Court Attached is a PDF of the opinion. That part is at the end as I am sure you know. Interesting line there too.... The court finds there were reasonable grounds for this appeal. If it was reasonable would they give costs. The suit was total BS, but very interesting to watch. The ex mayor of my city started this giant police investigation about people that said mean things about him online. Police said it wasn't a crime to call him an asshat. Then the whole thing went public...someone did a records request on the police report. He claimed that it was confidential, which it wasn't of course, and sued the city and got his hat handed to him. image.pdf
  8. Used to be true, back in the old days. Not a problem with modern weapons. From the FAQ on their website: Yes. All Ruger pistols can be dry fired without damage, and dry firing can be useful to familiarize the owner with the firearm. However, be sure any firearm is completely unloaded before dry firing! But if you are still concerned, buy some snap caps and use them when dry firing.
  9. This is from an appeal. Did someone get costs here: "It is ordered that appellees recover of appellant costs herein taxed." And if so, the dude that appealed (and lost) or the people that defended the original decision?
  10. Dry fire it everyday 15 or 20 times. Your mind will train itself to think nothing happens when you pull the trigger. Double up your ear protection, ear plugs with muffs over the top. And last have someone randomly load your gun with snap caps, so you don't know when click vs bang is coming. I had it bad a couple of years ago, it took all of the above and some time to get rid of it.
  11. ^this The 9 and the 380 just plain hurt to shoot. So shoot it enough to be proficient with it but no more than that so you don't develop a flinch. But that is true of most small pocket guns, there is no mass so they hurt. The LC9 is pretty small, light and similar to the 380, it is worth a serious look.
  12. I used to be an awesome skier. I could zig zag hop moguls like they were nothing. Chopper skiing out west...the whole nine yards. Then I got old and couldn't do it the same anymore, but I couldn't get my mind to stop trying to do what my body couldn't. Pissed me off so gave it up.
  13. We shall see, there is a cold front hitting Ohio that week sometime. All depends on the timing of that.
  14. We can call it the SnowButtapolooza. Buwhahaha.
  15. Watching the weather, it certainly looks possible.
  16. Tonik

    Got the Tesla!

    Not in that price range I wouldn't. It is awesome, but not 85/100K awesome when you consider what other choices there are in that price range. Jag F type and the Audi R8 come to mind right away. Now, get it down to 60K or so and I would be all over it.
  17. That applies to the stereotype about Islam being a religion of terrorism right?
  18. I have to agree with Scott here. While you may not find a direct quote for his O'ness there is no debate that the left portrays gun owners and the problem, as hicks, rednecks, ignorant people...mocking with 'Merica. Absolutely no difference than the way many on the right are portraying all Muslims as terrorists. In fact the Dems often use far more aggressive hate speech towards gun owners than even Trump uses against the Muslims.
  19. Home. Good time gang!
  20. I am still in, just for the record.
  21. Let's say 1 pm at the BP at 82 and I77. Just a few hundred feet west of I77 on 82 on the south side of the road. My run through there is a about an hour and 15 minutes and ends near 77. At that point I may turn around and run it backwards.
  22. I will be out in the Cuy. Valley today, 11ish and tomorrow early afternoon.
  23. Based on your post that says $13K I am going out on a limb here and say he thinks you are asking $13K.
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