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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. They're still holding their value pretty well. How much are they asking?
  2. All I've ever owned is cars, mostly sports(ish) cars. Now I'm wanting something to keep me out of trouble and just kind of loaf around in. I'd like to have 4x4, automatic or manual doesn't really matter, although I suppose the fiance would prefer an auto so she can drive it if need be. Things I've considered... Ford Ranger, F150, Escape, Explorer Jeep Cherokee, Liberty Stuff like that. Brand doesn't really matter to me, I just wanted to give an idea of size and all that. I know that with a truck I would need an extended cab because I've got 2 dogs (I suppose a cover would work, but just in case I couldn't get one right away). Obviously reliability is important, and the lower the maintenance cost the better. These things considered I've kind of leaned towards a Ranger (assuming my dogs could fit haha). I'd also like to stay around 10k max, but definitely wouldn't mind spending less. I just know nothing about trucks and the like, so I figured I'd ask you guys for some input. Thanks.
  3. I know...I used to have that set up, but took a few pictures that I didn't want going on the cloud (if you know what I mean) so I turned it off and just kind of forgot about it. I'm pretty sure it was just the new partition from moving from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1. Everything is working dandy now. Thanks for all the help everyone. I'm still a little bummed at how laggy Paranoid was on my GNex, I'm gonna give it a try on my N7 and see how it is.
  4. Thanks for the help Brohams. Now I'm on AOKP 4.2. Doesn't ROM Manager use Clockworkmod?
  5. Forgot to add, I'm kind of assuming this has something to do with 4.2 adding the new /0 partition to the SD card for multiuser support. I'm just not sure how to get all my stuff to still show up.
  6. Rundown... VZW Galaxy Nexus, currently running CM10 Stable(4.1.2), stock CM kernel (I think, can't remember). Anyway... I had been dirty flashing nightly's and monthly's for a while. So it's been a long time since I've flashed a completely new/different ROM. I'd been hearing/seeing stuff about the new Paranoid Android version with the PIE interface and wanted to give it a shot. Followed the flashing directions, and booted it up. It was cool and everything, but I don't know if the GNex is showing it's age, or the ROM is still buggy, but it lagged pretty bad. I thought, oh well I'll just restore the backup I did before flashing. So I go into ROM manager and...none of my backups are there. I shit my pants a little remembering that the flash instructions said to do a data wipe/factory reset. I shit my pants big time thinking I've lost all my pictures and stuff. Go check gallery, nothing there, go check Root Explorer, nothing there. Well I do some kind of crazy magic and somehow got my CM10 backup restored, but gallery was still acting weird. It was recognizing how many pictures I had, but they weren't showing up. I somehow managed to get them back. Now my question is, how do I go about doing this again if I wanted to try out the new AOKP, and without going through this clusterfuck? Obviously, let me know if any of this is confusing. I'm currently posting from my phone.
  7. Ah, no hostility intended. What I originally posted was the rumor. That people associated with NFL teams have developed theories and that if they're true, Te'o would be one of the most important stories in sports history. I inferred that this wouldn't be historically relevant unless there was something more to the story than him trying to drum up sympathy and attention. I very well could be wrong about what that meant, but it kind of seems to add up (the gay theory).
  8. There's definitely never been a prominent openly gay player entering the draft. Add that to religious aspect and you've got a full blown cover up conspiracy.
  9. A devout Mormon attending a Catholic school makes up a girlfriend with another guy? You tell me why else he did it.
  10. Rumors afloat that NFL circles have developed a theory as to why he did this, and that if true would be one of the m,most important sports stories of all time. He gay.
  11. That's better than the alternative haha. And I don't believe I'll know until basic, or once I get to tech school at DLI. I scored well enough the be assigned any language though.
  12. Bone waiver? Seriously? That'll be a new experience haha.
  13. Just barely qualified for all language categories, but I did. Yes, this is a little bit of bragging, but I had to take this hellacious test on my birthday. So I would say I've earned it. I know many of you have served in the military. Anyone have any experience as/with linguists? I'm hoping for Airborne (AF), the fiance is a little nervous about the SERE training, but I think it sounds awesome.
  14. What a disgraceful nut job. Good work setting gun supporters back ~200 years. That's no way to make a point.
  15. Thanks for the input, everyone. Called Fin Feather Fur, no dice. I'll call around to the more local shops this afternoon. I'm not holding my breath though.
  16. Like the title says, I'm looking to get one. I've had my eye on it for a while now, but a buddy of mine picked one up last week and it felt amazing in hand. Haven't shot it yet, but I just feel like my Glock 19 is a bit big for EDC. Which brings me to the real question...anyone have insight into where would be my best option to find one right now? I know right now is a crazy time to buy a gun, my buddy that got his put a deposit down on one and picked it up when it finally came in. If this is my best option, I'll roll with it. But if any of you guys have the inside knowledge of somewhere local that has/will be getting them in stock, I'd be very grateful if you enlightened me.
  17. I think it's pretty obvious that that's a MGS trailer. The character looks just like one of the Snakes, the feather that falls when he looks at his prosthetic arm, the voice used for his coughing at the end, supernatural "boss" type characters. Rock on.
  18. Black facemasks :fuckyeah: Any more word on whether or not they're switching to these full time next year? I'd be all for it.
  19. This is on the official OSU merchandise site...LOVE them! http://images.footballfanatics.com/partners/OhioState/OSU_NikeRivalry12.jpg
  20. If what I heard is correct, we were in talks with some Big 12 team and they backed out. I can't for the life of me remember which one, obviously not one of the top teams, but still.
  21. I'm not terribly knowledgable on these anymore, but I would recommend you go somewhere (Best Buy) and play with a few, look at the specs, and price them out. Then hop on Amazon and read some reviews of the ones you see. Often times the top rated reviews will recommend another camera. Plus it should be cheaper online (not necessarily on Amazon), than at Best Buy. I think when I was looking this past winter there was a Canon VIXIA that was around that price range that I was planning on picking up but didn't because it wasn't in stock. I would look at those.
  22. Does anyone have any input as far as trails that are dog friendly? Most of the trails at Highbanks (nearest to me) don't allow dogs.
  23. I was in 8th grade gym class and heard my teachers (we had two gym teachers) talking about someone flying a plane into the building and how they thought it was some kind of attack. I remember thinking "that's dumb, who flies a plane into a building as an attack?" I had no real knowledge of the severity of the situation at the time. Once we got inside after gym and I got to my next class every teacher had the TV's on in the classrooms. No one did much of anything for the rest of the day and we were all really scared that it was the beginning of something much bigger that would be happening later in the day/the coming days. I remember dozens and dozens of people being called to the office over the announcement speakers because their parents had come to pick them up. The rest of the week was pretty much a wash.
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