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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. http://dillonoptics.com/default.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
  2. His weed brownies are still welding the manifolds. In addition, the mail order brides Wiggs has been eating before his "races" in fantasy land will be done in 10...
  3. His weed brownies are still welding the manifolds. In addition, the mail order brides Wiggs has been eating before his "races" in fantasy land will be done in 10...
  4. Can vouch (like you fucks give a shit what I say :fa:) that Nyall is a good guy and would treat your property with respect and as if it was his own.
  5. You might be able to theme it and download some widgets to get it close, but typically you can't put another company's UI on your phone. For example I can't put HTC Sense on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, but I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) it would be theoretically possible to put a Samsung Touchwiz custom ROM on my phone. Usually though, people do away with the custom UI in favor of a stock Android ROM.
  6. So much want. I accept my Google overlords.
  7. I went ahead and tried out the CM10 nightly that came out yesterday. I installed SwiftKey, but encountered a glitch when trying to type this up that caused it to infinitely duplicate whatever I was trying to delete if I wanted to type something else. So back to the stock keyboard for now. That's the only glitch I've had so far though. Also, the upgrade thing I was talking about....I found an article over on Droid Life about people being able to upgrade their phone on Verizon's website and still keep their unlimited data. It was posted 6 (5 at the time) days ago, and it seems like they already fixed it.
  8. I think sometimes something similar happens to me, but I'm usually just not holding the phone close enough to my face. I'm having second thoughts on jumping to JB just yet. Might try some other ICS ROMs for the time being...or get an S3 if I can figure out how to keep my unlimited data.
  9. What JellyBean ROMs have you guys tried/which do you like best. I'm on ICS BAMF Paradigm, so my natural reaction is to flash their JB ROM, but what are you guys running?
  10. I hate to say it, but I couldn't help but think "Some men just want to watch the world burn" when I heard about this.
  11. Eh I admit it's not really weird, haven't had much of that to be honest. I'll never forget the look on my ex's face/the sound she made when I was pounding her and I slammed it in her butthole. I was a vigorous young chap. Or there was the time an ex's gooch ripped while we were doing it, not sure how that happened. And I did say "fuck my life" to a troll's face one morning when I woke up naked with no real reflection of how I got in her bed, she wasn't happy. So weird stuff, yeah. But not grossly weird.
  12. My girlfriend used to have this really really old bed, so it would rock back and forth while we were going at it. One time I was giving it to her quite vigorously and her head started smacking into the head board. I wanted to laugh my ass off, but kept it in until suddenly one pound was a little too hard and I knocked over the glass of water she had on the head board. We were wet, the bed was wet, then I realized my phone had been sitting on the head board and it was soaking wet. I guess I had it coming.
  13. Check out Solar 2. It's a neat little indie game where you star out as an asteroid and gain mass until you become a planet, then star, and so on. It's only $2.49.
  14. LOL I was freaking out, thinking I had gotten my data throttled. Cleared up after maybe a half hour though.
  15. Bigbird


    Didn't lose power in the storm, lost it Saturday at about 11am. Didn't come back on until yesterday around 3pm. Lost power again today at about 4:15pm. Ryan very mad.
  16. Bigbird


    Had power till about an hour ago, then it inexplicably went out. My guess is that AEP fuckered something up while trying to fix something else. Lovely.
  17. Bigbird

    Husky puppy

    This could be a temporary thing. My husky did this for a short while when we first got her. Kind of a nervous, getting used to the new surroundings type thing.
  18. I can never tell if one of your threads is for real or not, but oh well. I had one for almost 2 years that the OTC freezing kits didn't work on at all. They had made it a little smaller, but it wouldn't go away. One day I accidentally snagged it on something and it ripped most of it off, but it still came back. I just kind of got used to it and stopped trying to get rid of it. A little over a month ago I started taking GNC's Mega Men Sport multivitamin and I shit you not, it was gone in a little over a week. I don't know for sure if it's related, but it was the only thing I started doing differently recently. It's also the only wart I've ever had.
  19. Bigbird

    Husky puppy

    I can't get mine to "talk." Its a bummer but I'm still trying to get her to do it.generally resulting in me looking like a fool, but I try.
  20. Isn't your Lambo currently limited to the blazing speed of 0?
  21. Bigbird

    Husky puppy

    Mine will go in the water, just not really to the point of swimming. She likes to just walk around and jump and play. Now my other (girlfriend's: dad was a pure Siberian Husky, mom is a Beagle/some kind of hound mix) pup loves to swim around.
  22. Bigbird

    Husky puppy

    My experience is much like Frank's. My girl (Layla) is just over a year old. Training tends to be an ongoing thing with Huskies, but you'll probably tend to have a bit better luck with a female. I have a feeling mine might have been the runt of her litter, or near it. She tends not to have many of the stereotypical "Husky" traits. If she gets off her leash, she tends to come right back to me. In certain places I can leave her off leash and she knows her boundaries. She does sometimes go after smaller animals, especially birds and loves terrorizing my girlfriends cat. She's not aggressive towards other dogs at all, unless they're especially small (in which case it's more of a playful bugging than aggression) or they're bugging her for one reason or another (a Great Dane kept trying to hump her at the park and didn't get the message that she wasn't interested, so she taught him a firm but fairly polite lesson). She will get into stuff if left alone, IF she can get into it. But, of you leave her enough toys and bones to play with, she's pretty good. And she's good about being in a crate. Huskies are in fact more similar to wolves than most dogs, because of this they like a "den" environment. So if you crate train them from a young age, and don't ever make it a punishment, you may actually find that they prefer to sleep in their crate. My girl is also very smart. For example, she takes ME to the bathroom sometimes. She knows that my morning routine is to go fairly soon after waking up. So if I don't sometimes she'll bug me like she wants to go out (which is something she ALWAYS does now that she's trained, same goes for food and water) then she'll walk me to the bathroom and wait there for me to go. They can be great and loving dogs, you've just got to pick a good one, and train it right. Understand why it's doing the things it does, and be sure to be the "alpha" as Huskies are especially pack oriented (look into training that emphasizes this). I love my pup and wouldn't trade her for the world.
  23. Get the fuck out of here with your reason and logic!
  24. http://www.theretrofitsource.com/ Those guys used to be out of Westerville, but their website now says Georgia. Could be worth a call anyway?
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