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Everything posted by granda080

  1. As someone who is against the idea of arming teachers, I'm fine with police officers carrying guns in school for this simple reason. Police officers go through countless hours of training. They have received crisis intervention training to assess a situation to know if the use of lethal force is necessary. I think this may be a knee jerk reaction is all. In 2000 there were approximately 77 million K-12 students in the US. Since 1997, when shootings in schools seems to have begun, there have be approximately 30 students killed by shootings by fellow classmates...let the bashing begin LOL
  2. I have an urge to buy a pair of Wranglers...oh wait no I don't.
  3. I actually think this is pretty funny idea. I work in a school...most if not all the teachers I work with wouldn't want a gun anywhere near them. Our principal, an ex-Ranger, would love it though lol. This may be the dumbest idea ever.
  4. Hilarious...I love the cop called for the fire department for assistance
  5. There are many states that have privatized prisons. It does generally cost the state less. Those prisons are also generally better run as it is a business.
  6. You have to be a dealer to attend. It isn't open to the public like that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that.
  7. Their website said they were closed a few weeks ago. It was a bit of a dump, but they had good prices on parts and didn't charge taxes or shipping if you ordered online.
  8. granda080

    No caption

    LOL, you should ask Don
  9. Did nobody watch Outbreak or 12 Monkeys...Stay away from monkeys geesh! That pig knew what was up.
  10. granda080


    THANK YOU!!!! That just saved me $60.00 a month and got my sister a new phone.
  11. Wow...there are so many ignorant statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start. As a father, I hope that any of you making statements about these "weak kids" never has a child that is picked on. The whole essence of them being children is that they are weak. That is why it is our job as parents to protect them and guide them to being good people in life. As a school administrator for a K-8 school I see bullying on a daily basis, and it absolutely disgusts me. Our children and students are exposed to so much more, and are expected to be able to tolerate and understand concepts and situations that far exceed their cognitive development. Dealing with this is the worst part of my job. Parents of bullies do not accept that their child is a bully. Some think it is acceptable, even funny. Regardless of view point, if you think it's ok to bully someone else I hope that you take a minute to reevaluate it. It is always easier to pass judgment upon others than to understand. To all the children who have been literally bullied to death or even to the thought of it, my prayers go out to them.
  12. If you go to Wanganui tell all my relatives hello from me! I've to been to NZ 3 times in my life. It is a great experience. The people are wonderful, and love their motor sports. Enjoy your visit!
  13. The fizz just hit 10,000 miles!
  14. granda080

    10,000 Miles!!!

    From the album: Painted

  15. Good luck! Looks like a super clean car
  16. Price drop...OR person or associate $5100 obo. No body knows anyone who wants a nice little bug? http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/1870579678.html FYI still no baby!!!!! The wife is being induced Monday at 7:30am.
  17. Yeah, they told her she would have 2 weeks to wait. We actually bought a Honda Pilot, so we have one good baby friendly vehicle. We are looking to unload the bug so we can get something with 4 doors, but not in a huge rush We really would take any reasonable offer for it. 6500 is a starting point but an OR person we would cut a much better deal. PM me if you are interested.
  18. Thanks...we are 5 days over the due date LOL one day this baby will come.
  19. It's at 98400K...I can't believe I forgot to put that in there!!! Thanks!
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