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Everything posted by granda080

  1. umm...that was me that went by at the end. was that an a-hole move? I didn't think it was at the time...now I'm pondering, thanks Nick
  2. bummer lets rock and roll!
  3. tomo is 12:01....we will meet you in beavercreek. at 1201.
  4. alright guys. its midnight. lets ride. who's down for a midnight ride?...fuck bitchs..
  5. granda080

    The Pub

    Rode through the Greene tonight actually. Ol' fizz may have to break-up the English loving as she usually does.
  6. I say epoxy that son'bit... and if that doesn't work use duct tape. Seriously though you need someone who knows what they are looking at to see it in person. As stated above, offer up some niceties and see if someone will help.
  7. I think it looks exactly like Tom Cruise...creepy yes lol
  8. LOL, I wish. That dudes wreck was epic. Mine would have been more along the lines of "Right turns...you're doing them wrong"
  9. I think highside would be better for me lol...I was doing it wrong
  10. LOL...yeah dimebag mentioned your incident to me last night I think this calls for a THREADJACK!!!
  11. I'm down, just let me know when.
  12. Hey double D's, that being Donski and Dimebag, when we riding? Watching 30 seconds of that clip makes me really happy I didn't ever watch any of those movies. ...I want a super sweet ridiculous name too oh and GLWS lol
  13. I'm gonna toss a guess out there and say that the 675 is warpspeed. Garrett is a good dude. I'm glad that you are doing better.
  14. Thanks for getting me home! Good meeting you
  15. "With all the paranoia threads before the actual ride, I actually thought it went better than I was expecting. Especially keeping everyone together. Yeah, the 2 (3?) incidents suck. (Was there damage on the low speed collision at the stop sign?) I didn't realize the second was bad enough for a broken hand. I thought he was just sore w some road rash. He certainly didn't show it. Must be the military in him. (Think you'll still make it to Putnam Suntorn?)" There was definitely a low speed collision. It happened right in front of me. Dude that got hit seemed to stop suddenly, didn't see a reason, and the other dude didn't react quick enough. Thanks for the ride today! It was good to see all of you again. Hope the other two guys heal up.
  16. I love skull candy ear buds. They stay in my ears really well with my helmet. I would and have recommended them to people.
  17. we are staying around huber/troy/piqua/sidney area. I planned to go further than that originally and I have been told there is a newbie riding with us today( first day on the road) so were just going to take it easy, and cruise....<oldschoolsdime92> didnt wanna log granda080 out.
  18. I have a weird question. Do you work at Perkins? In Wheeling or somewhere around there?

  19. The deer and the fat guy was good...did you watch the crazy goose one? That about killed me.
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