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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Glad you got her back up and going Don!
  2. If I were LBJ that video would be the reason I would leave...oh how I miss the creepy furniture guy commercials during late night shows.
  3. I used to work a Dominos in the town I grew up. The quality of that store was way!!! better than anything I've had at any other Dominos. They don't all get their products from the same place. The stores in Dayton are mostly owned by one dude, who has his stuff own warehouse of product...Dominos+Dayton=Nasty. Marions is good pizza, but a pain in the ass. What the hell is cash? More importantly why do I have to stand in so many damn lines!?! I can't order drinks or buy chips while I order pizza? WTF is that about?
  4. ugh Beavercreek can shove it. Is seems it is just about bikes, not about diesel trucks or 4 bangers with unnecessary crappy exhaust. I think I might just go there tomorrow and unnecessarily rev the engine. I dispise laws that weren't thought out, knee jerk reactions.
  5. I just read that book! Public library has it free to all. There is also a dvd. I learned a ton from that book!
  6. This storm damaged my dog's persona...he was a scared baby and kept us up the whole night with his inconsolable shaking and panting! wtf dog? Man up!
  7. I'm thinking this is a go for me. You won't have to worry about my squidly, flip-flop wearing wife for this ride she is 7months preggo! I look forward to a cyclist free ride
  8. I named my car Hitler...awful I know but look at his little mustache, my wife has a bug her car's name is Eva...lol
  9. granda080


    From the album: Random

  10. Welcome...love the bike
  11. I went by QS&L last week...didn't stop, but there were certainly some bikes there. Maybe someone, (you) should start a thread...I would but I always kill threads lol
  12. What are you looking to spend?...
  13. You need to get rid of that yellow font, it's impossible to read! lol

  14. Thanks from one sped teacher to another Keep fighting the battle
  15. I'm actually an administrator at an inner city school in Dayton. There have been a lot of rants in this thread that I would like to address. The peanut allergy- It's a big deal. We've had to have entire peanut free areas. Peanuts can be deadly...sad but true. School supply lists- Every school has them. They shouldn't be brand specific though. That's pretty crazy, I'm guessing that this is a school that has the demographic that brand name things wouldn't be hard to obtain. My school we have a list and thankfully we have some very supportive parents and churches and people in the community that want to help. Wussy kids- It's not the kids, it's the parents and society that have made them this way. Like every all children, they are what their parents raise them to be. Schools can only do so much. It's entirely unfortunate that schools seem to be expected to "raise" children, that isn't the intent of schools. Props to all those parents out there that understand actions and consequences! I'm sure it isn't easy...I'll get to know soon, the wife is six month pregnant.
  16. How you doing now anyway? Scrapes and bruises doing better?
  17. Cool bike! Good luck, I'm betting you don't have any problems selling it.
  18. granda080

    No caption

    Indeed it is a beautiful bike
  19. I live just down the road from there...Crazy amounts of Harleys on a regular basis. I actually like the bar in the off season. Way to many people for me.
  20. Now lets talk about what oil is the best...lol
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