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Everything posted by granda080

  1. granda080

    Dang it

    From the album: Crash

  2. granda080

    No caption

    From the album: Crash

  3. granda080

    Covered Bridge

    From the album: Crash

  4. Where were you thinking of stopping Saturday night?
  5. I wish my wife wanted to learn... just not on my bike. She is way to short to learn on mine anyway. Good luck to all three of you (your wife, you, and your bike!)
  6. It is actually the same bike, but the black lightening was a custom order option. It held the land speed title for awhile. My guess is that is indeed a shadow. More info, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Black_Shadow
  7. A little Vincent Black Lightening...1952. There is a great song too. My favorite version of the song is done by Greg Brown. Cool bike
  8. In the days before TopGear... it makes me sad that these never caught on http://www.wimp.com/ecomobiletests/
  9. My roommate just got back from six months in India. He traveled all over and had lots of good and bad experiences. If there is anything specific that you really want to know send me a PM and I will ask him and get back to you.
  10. Hello everyone, My wife is running in the Free to Breathe 5K, which is a fundraiser to support lung cancer support and awareness. If anyone would be willing to donate to the cause that would be wonderful (there is no minimum amount one can donate). I know that times are financially tough, so any kind words of encouragement that I can pass on to her would be equally appreciated. Here is the email that she has sent to our family and friends: Hello friends and family! As many of you know I have been running recently and this Saturday will be participating in a 5K for lung cancer. I have joined a team that was started by the wonderful speech therapist I work with whose mother died from lung cancer in 2006. We each set a goal for donations and when I last checked our team was one of the top leaders at $660-ish. No pressure to donate but if you are feeling charitable, please click on the link below, my name, and then "Donate to Brooke Couper!" in the purple part. Thank you in advance to those who can make a contribution and are in support of cancer awareness and research! I hope this finds everyone in good health and high spirits! love, brooke http://participate.freetobreathe.org/site/TR/RunWalk/General?team_id=4950&pg=team&fr_id=1210 Thanks everyone
  11. Now I just feel like an ass even more so. I didn't even see the first pic with the truck in it... Sorry about the "rusty ass roof" comment... it looks great is a rustic way.... I quit today
  12. When I first glanced at that picture of your trailer I thought, "Damn...the raised peak on that is really rusty!" Then I realized it was just your neighbors rusty ass tin roofing. It looks like a good trailer...now that it isn't all rusty on top and doesn't have a basketball hoop attached to it. I'm an idiot
  13. I'm bored and I was thinking of what I wanted to do next summer (I'm a teacher so I have summers off). I thought I would go west... Mt. Rushmore-Seattle-San Fransico-Burbank-Vegas-Grand Canyon-Dallas-New Orleans, back to Ohio. I wonder how long this would take. Any idea? Any interest To ambitious?
  14. granda080

    Drunk with camera

    From the album: Random

  15. granda080


    From the album: Random

  16. Ditton on being freezing...I still can't feel my legs.
  17. Was it really necessary to add the jumps? WTF who needs jumps going down an ice hill!?! Seriously!
  18. Is there a way to contribute finacially...through the mail or something?
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