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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Buc-y-rus...so long as it isn't Attica. I hate that damned town. Welcome and watch out for the police in Attica.
  2. It means we would probably ride a whole lot more, when we are bored at night.
  3. I even delivered the oil & filter...I better get a better raise this year. I'm glad we slowed down for a few minutes in the way back. I don't like being hastled by the man.
  4. I'm so happy the rep is back, and I'm liking the mana bar
  5. I've had both...ATT is superior in everyway, except one. That one being that if you have multiple televisions you may block yourself out. I have 3 HD televisions, and can only use 2 in HD, the other must be in standard. The internet is solid. I don't have the phone option...house phones are lame. All in all, it may be a bit more expensive, but I have never been happier with a "cable" provider. Also TW does not support HDMI...ATT does. Again superior in every way, so long as you arent a crazy like me and have multiple HD tvs.
  6. This is my dog Mardy. He is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, sadly I have way more pictures in my album on here. I figure I should post a different picture than what is always up.
  7. This is my dog Mardy. He is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, sadly I have way more pictures in my album on here.
  8. granda080


    I agree...WTF? Could have watched that entire game and still caught the end of the J-E-T-S game...
  9. I hope you mean the original, not that remake. Gene Wilder is terrifying in that movie but...
  10. granda080


    Unfortunately they aren't a funny one... as a browns fan it's just depressing.
  11. granda080


    If I had the money I would get one, no question.
  12. That means he must suck...and damn that is an ugly bike!
  13. I might have to check out Diary of the Dead. I love zomie flicks, flicks about zombies more so than flicks by zombie of the Rob variety. I love the most recent Dawn of the Dead. I also really liked 28 Days later. Nick you're right, there is something fantastic and classic about knowing the scary dude is out there and some crazy loudening music to get the heart going. I think my favorite example of that was The Amityville Horror, and the blinking red lights and crazy eeking sound. Hilariously great!
  14. I took a picture of this shirt in San Fransico
  15. LOL look at those pierced nipples!! So gross
  16. What's your favorite horror/scary movie to watch during the scary movie season (Halloween)? I think that Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin is terrifying j/k. Seriously though what are your favorites? Ninjanick I'm looking to you. I know you dig the horror flicks.
  17. I think that looks great
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