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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. yet I appeal for help with this matter... I think I am over my head on this matter on the mechanics of it all
  2. Um with bad brakes the ride would be... interesting to say the least. Not impossible, just weird....
  3. Hoblick is the man, but he is now, far away. sigh... Don't know if I could get theire ith a bad brakes bike. May bye.......
  4. I've got an older Gpz with anti-dive forks that is leaking on one side. Looks like it'll get fork oil on the front rotor so I gotta get this fixed. Problem is I have no idea what I'm getting into. It looks like it's leaking from where the fork meets the anti-dive control body. Anybody ever seen this kinda thing before? Should I just consider rebuilding the one side? Sure, now it acts up! Now that the sun shines for two days in a row... Helpful pic below.
  5. http://nypost.com/2015/07/18/obama-has-been-collecting-personal-data-for-a-secret-race-database/ Pro or con, the very idea is stupid. To think this is the level of government we have?!? I can't wait for the election rhetoric to come. It will be epic. Sheeple will be incised over some damn thing.
  6. Interestingly enough it has also moved out of the spotlight of public knowledge. By the secret court ruling on it , it is now in the realm of secrecy. So citizen, you won't be hearing any more troubling talk on this issue. Move along, nothing to see here.
  7. Predictably in a couple of years the success of the program, which by then will have many faces to it, will run low on funding. It will be a crisis. Oh The humanity! And the tax will increase. The same story as any number of taxes and the always predictable results. Once it starts, it never stops.
  8. http://www.fastcompany.com/3048761/tech-forecast/watch-your-tone-now-ibms-watson-can-detect-attitude-in-your-writing Watch Your Tone! Now IBM's Watson Can Detect Attitude In Your Writing The latest tool in IBM's cognitive computing platform can help you analyze the way your words come across to others. Fascinating Can't figure out if this is the start of Skynet or the lizard overlords. Sure would help in flame wars if, of course, you had a super computer to run it on. Eh, somebody will make an app for Siri soon enough.
  9. Following some of the news feeds I'd have to say, no, it does not. Internet is being seen, and or promoted as a basic "Human Right". At least that seems to be the vector that is being used. Whether it is or not isn't my point at all. Rather that as soon as it becomes taxable, which it is now due to the ruling, it will be used as a political tool. Much like, or come to think of it, exactly like the tax on your phone bill funds the so called free Obama phones. Which, if you were paying attention was a factor in the last election. Once a tax is vector is found by the government, based upon some "human rights" or "social justice" justification it will increase. Furthermore once it is taxed, it must be regulated and policed. Bad people must be punished as well. Then you get into that whole thing. Yep, the "thought police". Or what some call "Political Correctness". Which as Charlton Heston said is tyranny with manners but tyranny none the less. Time to put on the tin foil hat to protect me from the flame war that is inevitable when pointing out the world is going to hell in a hand basket inch by inch.
  10. http://thenextweb.com/google/2015/07/15/google-will-offer-free-internet-to-public-housing-residents-in-its-fiber-markets/ Really? Free for the democrat voting block? Sure. I thought so. Who is paying for this? Chuckle, you are! It's for the children of course, what are you a luddite? Shut up! Your taxed dollars at work....
  11. That didn't last very long. They have used the secret court to rule that they can use the secret court to do it again. Pay no attention citizen, move along...
  12. Ain't that something..... Hmmm.
  13. Last summer my cars tires went flat. My neighbors pointed this out to me. I hadn't noticed as I rode... everywhere! This summer, I think I need a to buy a boat. Damn rain!
  14. LOL for the thread 700 miles a week? Not that interesting. 700 miles a day for a week, might be interesting. For this week and last, riding in the rain is a skill.... come to think of it this would be a skill for the last couple of months... Damn Ohio weather! Opps, wait a sec.. weather is changing... Damn, more rain! Sigh.....
  15. what BBQs are like when you're 30, single and male
  16. interesting Starting where? Friday is a day off f or me... Rain in the afternoon predicted.... .
  17. Might try Polaris tonite just to say I did it once this year. I've been there before, so the pirates and squids aren't much of a draw, but some of the bikes are cool. Eh, something to do on a nice nite after work...
  18. What a start to this thread....
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