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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Much nicer, not so moody and you just saved some cash doing it yourself! You have a lot of real estate to work with don't be shy about using it. Keeping the pages looking similar is a nice touch. The calender page needs a little work. Are you using the site builder software to make your page?
  2. You are as exempt from Obamacare as these guys will let you. Remember they are backed by these guys
  3. Numbers don't lie, or do they? https://poorsubstituteforpublius.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/hiding-the-bad-employment-numbers/
  4. I think your right about presentation of the idea. It is very tempting to ride over the speed limit but there are risks as well. Secondary streets are very different from freeways and interstates. Physics doesn't change. Biker ESP FTW!
  5. I hit something like this once on 270. Lost 2 cylinders when the air filters got wet and had to limp home on the other 2. Can't tell what the water temperature was from the video but from the audio track I bet it was cold.
  6. Relax, your site is passable, you just need a couple of extras to make is an advertising masterpiece. One tip might be don't make the pictures section feature fat girls or the same wedding scenes. Remember, your trying to make a tight site, not a record of every gig you've ever done. Go with the mystery, not the facts! Yep, good photography and a bit of photoshop goes a long way here.
  7. Your site doesn't look so bad. Just clean up what you have and you'll be fine. A little Style sheet action to clean up your fonts a bit and narrow the page down. Perhaps a little brighter, less moody, less gloomy. Don't forget that a fancy site needs fancy upkeep.
  8. When did the Germans get into this? That was a done deal by the time the bailout was done.
  9. At the beginning of 2014, Detroit may be bankrupt, but they’re cheering the five-year-old U.S. auto bailout in Italy. That’s because after being the beneficiary of billions in U.S. taxpayer largesse, Fiat, the leading Italian auto company, is going to buy its final stake in Chrysler from that other big bailout recipient, the United Auto Workers (UAW). “Chrysler’s Now Fully an Italian Auto Company,” reads the Time magazine online headline. But wait a minute! Wasn’t the bailout supposed to be about saving the American auto industry? http://www.openmarket.org/2014/01/01/the-great-italian-auto-bailout-courtesy-of-u-s-taxpayers/ Don't even know where to start with this one. But I still want my money back. I think I've been robbed.
  10. We have the best Congress money can buy. - Will Rogers (Old guy)
  11. Wonder if it's an accident? And then there is this: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/367278/report-new-york-investigators-obtain-fraudulent-ballots-97-percent-time-john-fund So why wouldn't we want to clean it up?
  12. This story smells funny, like teen spirit or something
  13. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/18/non-citizens-caught-voting-in-2012-presidential-election-in-key-swing-state/ Interesting take on this topic. From the article, if one assumes all illegal voters voted the same way, it would have been enough to throw the election in 2012. Highlights for those that don't want to wade through the article - And in a nod to Magley64 I'll add this one from the article. And our poster child of voter fraud. Adding all the numbers together. the number of potentially bad votes could be 18% or more. A 4% voter swing could be done by dead people alone! A 6% swing could have been had by Ohio voters voting in two districts due to them moving in or out of the Sate. While not suggesting that this did happen I am thinking that a 2% swing could have been done pretty easily with this much slack in the system. Hats off to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted for cleaning up the voter rolls. We now return control of the thread to you, the viewer.
  14. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2013/12/16/general-motors-gm-bailout-repayment/4043607/ I would have to dis-agree. They used my money not their own so there was no risk to them. Not reduced, transferred to me and you. Odd how the numbers are so similar. Treasury lost 10 billion and they are investing 10 billion. Taking Taxpayers Out for a Ride http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-roff/2013/10/17/gm-and-the-obama-administration-took-taxpayers-for-a-ride
  15. Occupy Wall Street Not being the obstructionist part - Only $42.75http://www.walmart.com/msharbor/ip/Occupy-Wall-Street-at-Zuccotti-Park-Lower-Manhattan-Manhattan-New-York-City-New-York-State-USA-Poster-Print-by-Panoramic-Images-27-x-9/32626555?adid=1500000000000012981640&veh=mweb
  16. About that, kinda proves that the OWS isn't the same thing as the Tea Party after all. As you point out, not one candidate from them. They must be an extension of the Democratic party by your reasoning. Who's goal would be to a force of obstructionism. Kinda makes sense.
  17. Really? $3.6 Million from Soros Backs 'Occupy Wall Street', Media Ignore or Downplay ConnectionRead more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/iris-somberg/2011/10/14/36-million-soros-aids-groups-support-promote-occupy-wall-street#ixzz2nb46LzDq Monday, Oct 10, 2011 5:35 PM UTC Dems backing Occupy Wall St. are funded by Wall St.http://www.salon.com/2011/10/10/dems_backing_occupy_wall_st_are_funded_by_wall_st/ That's a fast google search but it does seem clear that they were in fact backed by somebody, a lot of somebodies. Including the self serving Micheal Moore's and the like. To spontaneously be media darlings, in so many cities, at the same time, with the support of the unions, particularly the government ones with paid protesters? It would seem you aren't all that sure of your parties affiliates, allies, supporters or even their motivations. Not shocked, just curious what you would say. Interesting that Superpacs is one of the first things you mention. Democrats seize super PAC crown Liberal groups outraise conservative counterparts 2-to-1 during first half of 2013http://www.publicintegrity.org/2013/08/01/13104/democrats-seize-super-pac-crown
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