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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. I have no idea but the site deemed it newsworthy enough to add it. I suspect it has to do with them being mad at him and having a small hissy fit that there wasn't any blood or guts to report on.
  2. I knew to tight would cause problems but I also knew that I didn't have a chain tool and the shop wanted the price of a chain tool to install it. That and the new chain would be too long as they come in standard sizes/lengths. So the math said take it to them for the whole deal, so I did. I do wonder why the first guy put it on so tight. If a non-mechanic like me noticed it I wonder why he didn't? Anyway a quick look at the pecs show 30 - 45 mm slack. Which if google is correct is about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Which is just about what it is measuring it by eye although not exact is pretty close. This is much better than dragging on the swingarm which it was before this adventure.
  3. So I call them and they say bring it in, so I do. The new guy looks at it and sez "yep, too tight". So they pulled the chain off and he said it looked like the guy cut off 2 links. He counted 92 instead of 94. He put a new chain on it and cut off one link so the adjuster was closer to the minimum. Now it seems tight but with some play 1/2 to 3/4 on top which is what I expected. But not being a mechanic, who knew? It did take two trips but it's nice they stood by the work. Runs better too without the extra drag from either old chain. So, problem solved. Thanks for the help guys!
  4. A police spokesman said Zimmerman and his wife, who filed for divorce last week, were blaming each other for starting the fight at her father's home. In an audio recording of Shellie Zimmerman's 911 call, she can be heard saying Zimmerman smashed an iPad she was holding and cut it with a pocket knife, struck her father in the nose and threatened both while putting a hand on a gun. Deputy Police Chief Colin Morgan said officers did not recover a gun, and Bracknell said Shellie Zimmerman later dropped her claim that a gun was involved. "Domestic violence can't be invoked because she has changed her story and says she didn't see a firearm," Bracknell said. The dispute "was between him and his wife and her father,'' Morgan said. "There were some allegations that there had been an assault, but we could not confirm any of it.'' Zimmerman has been pulled over at least twice for speeding since his acquittal. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/09/george-zimmerman-gun-incident-florida-trayvon-martin/2788443/
  5. You would think that the shop would know that it is too tight. This is what is causing me to wonder. I wouldn't have made it this tight had I done it, but do they know something that I don't?
  6. My chain was adjusted by Hoblick a few weeks ago, worked great. But then it seemed to stretch out a lot since then in just that short amount of time and started dragging on the swingarm, again. Ok, time to break down and buy a chain. So I haz a sad due to the fact Hoblick moved to the great white north. So I take it to a local shop. They advise me that for my old bike with the oddball 630 chain the only one they have is the nice "O" ring chain. Ok, at least I won't have to mess with it, fine. So they put the chain on and send me on my way. I notice the bike seems to be laboring just a touch at low revs on the way home. Thinking this is just a side effect of a new chain I don't worry about it as "The Guy" at the shop says it will stretch out "a lot" in the first few hundred miles. I look at the new chain and notice that it is tight, real tight. Up/down play is less than 1/4 inch on the top side of the chain. Which I'm sure is even less when I'm on the bike. So the question is, Is this normal? Is the chain too tight? What does that do to the bearings on the transmission shaft? Any tips or advice on this one? Edit: Adjuster is all the way to the end. No adjustment possible except to add a link, which of course I don't have. How quick does a new chain stretch?
  7. I'm thinking when the dust settles there will be a lot less to this story than some of the "hair trigger" comments would lead people to believe. "The Press" hasn't had such a good track record on breaking news lately. Time will of course sort it all out.
  8. Sounds like a fine ride, hope I can make it.
  9. Strictly Street


    Consider the source but...... Not the most reliable source but interesting if true.
  10. Can't tell for sure but I think so... Or, maybe not?
  11. SWing'R if your going, want to ride out to Newark together? Seeing as we are starting from close to the same place. Just a thought.
  12. Hope the weather cooperates. If so sounds like fun!
  13. Strictly Street


    It makes no difference what I say back to you. You will take some other tack on some other topic and challenge me to refute it. As you have done this entire thread. I don't have the patience to educate you on your alarming lack of a grasp of how the real world actually works. You have a good day now.
  14. Strictly Street


    The "OUTRAGE" is strong with this one. Thinking things through, not so much. NEWS FLASH!!!! The USA doesn't care about war crimes unless they happen in oil rich countries. On a related note, as usual this conversation has gone the way of so many others. Please feel free to continue without me as you are doing so well in that respect already. Good day.
  15. Strictly Street


    So the 70 year old pipe failed. They repaired it and are still using it but even so it was 70 years old before it failed. Your going to hold this up as an example of why we should make war in the middle east instead of taking care of business at home. You do have the right to say what you want. However I have to say I don't think much of your argument.
  16. Strictly Street


    Are you saying the risk of a spill is less moral than a Tomahawk missile strike? The moral high ground of your argument is invalid. So war in the Middle East is preferred, killing hundreds if not thousands? Now who is risking other people's homes/lives/health? Sometimes I think you go off before you think things through. If we don't get the oil from here, we'll get it from there, but make no mistake, we will get it from somewhere.
  17. Strictly Street


    I'm not even shocked at your response. Rather the knee jerk reaction was expected.
  18. Strictly Street


    This kinda thing makes that XL pipeline look pretty good right about now. On the other hand, who could have possibly guessed there would be troubles in the middle east. It's not like they have been fighting for the last few thousand years. Good job Mr. President, well played.
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