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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Good luck with the project. Streetfighter is a good look.
  2. http://betanews.com/2012/04/01/anonymous-hack-reveals-truth-about-obamas-birthplace/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed+-+bn+-+Betanews+Full+Content+Feed+-+BN
  3. ^this Of course a liter super bike can beat a school bus in a drag race. That's not what you should worry about. Worry about some cell phone mamma rolling over you from behind. They (cages/SUV) are quicker than your math leads you to believe, just a blink of your eye and they can be right on top of you. Plan for it and stay safe.
  4. http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/Content/Pages/Ride_Planner/Ride_Planner.jsp?locale=en_US&bmLocale=en_US&hbx_camp_id=hdredirect&urlvar=rideplanner&camp_id=16&source_cd=Vanity_rideplanner Has some nice features, worth a look.
  5. SUV's can stop quicker than you can, 4 wheel disc brakes and a lot more rubber on the road. SUV's can out accelerate you -450hp vs you. Don't for a second think you can out maneuver a cage - it may prove you wrong. And of course, people are idiots. Watch for the oil strip in the center of the lane at stops. Ridding in the rain? *Use a cars tire print, less chance of hydroplaning. * Avoid the center of the lane where the slippery oil is. Gravel hates you. So does grass, leaves, 2x4's and other road debris. So do people on cell phones. +1 to * always have an escape planned. * You go where you look. * The tires have more grip than you think - if you think you need it you are going to fast. Have fun!
  6. I remember thinking "The cars are so BIG!!"
  7. To Hell in a hand basket just like everybody else. LOL!
  8. Double Barrel .45 Caliber Pistol The folks over at the Firearms Blog found this incredible new design created by Arsenal Firearms, who provided these photos and the video below. The AF team is clearly proud of their achievement, writing on their site that: “To commemorate the legendary Colt 1911-A1 in the Centenary by making a true industrial market-ready double barrel .45 caliber pistol. We achieved success in the brief span of 6 months, after intense and round-the-clock 3D designing, stereolithographic modeling and parts machining.” This is not an entirely new concept, and there have been many other double barrel pistols created in the past. In fact, ten years ago a Swiss armorer named Vivian Mueller cut and welded together parts of the storied Sig P210 for a similar effect. He successfully created a long slide, double barrel 9mm pistol that shot well. But the AF 2011 is the first time two pistols have been welded into one in a design that is shelf-ready and meant for sale. Video goodness at the site: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/have-you-seen-the-first-ever-double-barrel-45-caliber-pistol-ready-to-hit-the-shelves/
  9. I watched one try to land on Swingers helmet while he was riding down the road one day. The bird gave it a couple of tries before it gave up.
  10. [imgALT=http://www.wimp.com/calfcanal/][/imgALT] http://www.wimp.com/calfcanal/
  11. Mad Hatter Muffler. West side Columbus. The only real muffler shop I have found in C-bus. They can custom make anything, inexpensive as well.
  12. http://columbusgasprices.com/ See what prices are around town.
  13. One of the longest running threads ever...
  14. :lol: Pure WIN!! http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2888128412.html
  15. it has both digital and analog tuners so, just an antenna
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