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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Glad he is alive! The rumor mill had some trouble figuring that one out. Didn't help either that the TV news got it wrong. Being in the ICU is better than the alternitive, hope he recovers soon! Thanks for the update.
  2. Nice to meet you and put a face to a name. Hope to see you and your other half on some rides this season. :)

  3. A nice start to the season. That wind was something on the way home though. Sheets of dust bouncing off the helmet made me feel like I was riding through a sandstorm.
  4. Now you've done it. Everyone at work will think your with the Hells Angels.
  5. Not if you buy a Government Motors 'Volt'! :lol: Obama just bought 100 of them! But if you own a competitors product, such as a Toyota or Nissan....
  6. Temp work, 2 mo contract but it is work.
  7. Strictly Street


    From the album: Thread Pictures

  8. Hmm... You might be on to something here.
  9. I swung by our pre-meet parking lot yesterday and found out that the store we used to park in front of is now open and selling mattresses. The good news is that the store next door that we didn't park in front of is now closed. Sorry I missed you Christine, perhaps next time.
  10. Let me know how it works out I might need somebody to do a couple things for me.
  11. Went and looked around. Some Harley's, some sport bikes. Didn't see anybody I knew so I headed out. But it was a pretty good turn out for a non-bike bike night even so.
  12. Is this a meet at the mall across the street thing like last year? For those that don't know about the meeting place google map Lyra Dr Columbus, OH 43240 It looks like an empty lot behind the fountain in the satellite view but it is an abandon store with a big parking lot. OR Riders used to meet here at 7Pm before the QS&L night so we could ride over in a group.
  13. Awesome video! Had to see it to believe it. The owner must buy Chevies as chew toys for the dogs!
  14. Not quite what I got out of the article. Another way of putting it perhaps is that the new plan is dropping people that were covered on the old plan. They are not likely to get their coverage back if I'm reading this right. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/Democrats-threaten-companies-hit-hard-by-health-care-bill-89347127.html GE is a company that is organized differently than most. Saying that they have not announced changes is a piece of journalistic fluff. The dogcatcher has not announced changes either. The other side of it is if it costs them more who is ultimately going to pay? The consumer on one end and the taxpayer on the other end even if they are the same person. Not that having health care is a bad thing however there is no such thing as a free lunch, somebodies going to pay for this, who and how much is the question.
  15. It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for. - Will Rogers
  16. Nothing to see here, of course. Somehow that doesn't sound right. Ignore bad news. Does that mean it didn't happen? Yes corp business will slit your throat over a nickel. But they were not able to under the old laws. It would seem that nobody knows what is going on with the new laws yet. Congress has called on business to explain why they claim they are loosing money over this law that they passed. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-03-27/at-t-deere-ceos-called-by-waxman-to-back-up-health-bill-costs.html
  17. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-03-27/at-t-deere-ceos-called-by-waxman-to-back-up-health-bill-costs.html Now they want business to explain the law they just passed ?!?!? The talking points really sound good. But the numbers don't add up. Un-intended consequence = fail. Nancy Pelosi: “We have to pass the health care bill to find what’s in it.”
  18. Take that stupid cager!! Oh, should I have not done that? Arrested! What?!? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7528253/Flame-thrower-scooter-owner-arrested.html
  19. Bar is out of business, does not exist anymore. That is all
  20. Use another pc and download "sysinternals" read the readme.txt file, patch PC move on with life.
  21. Ah, tricked by the interwebs again. Didn't check sources and I'm willing to believe that the government is up to no good. Seems like everytime I hear how good something is I have to reach deeper into my pocket for the privilege of whatever is supposed to be better for me. I have to wonder what other fun things they have in store for us. AT&T did take a hit of 1 billion dollars over the health care bill and they are not the only ones. Yes this is current information. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-03-26/at-t-to-take-1-billion-charge-on-health-care-reform-update1-.html They are still changing the student loan program, again recent news http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2617937220100326 This has nothing to do with health care but is an example of the many things that have been added in. Although it is unclear how this will all be modified under the raft of changes and modifications that Pelosi has promised. Amazing that one year the federal govt has taken control of the auto industry, the banking industry and now the health care and insurance industries. Is there anything left for them to take over?
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