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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. More news from people who now have read the new law. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=HcBaSP31Be8 I'm seeing more and more scary stuff coming to the surface about this. My cost goes up about 80% if I have that correct and I'm not sure I do as people keep finding new rules buried in the law. The part about the "End Of Life" option is very troubling. No possibility of abuse by government here, move along. AT&T took a billion dollar loss because of this and more companies are following suit. Government control of all student loans? Followed by a period of mandatory community service. Price fixing on a national scale by the government? Mandated lists of suppliers and equipment? Wait, who's brother-in-law owns that health care supply company? Direct access to my checking accounts by the IRS to make sure I pay my health care bill with out any court oversight. Read no warrant needed, just an "Administrative Decision" This is starting to sound pretty scary.
  2. Yes it is. At least 16 companies have kicked their retirees off their promised health care plans as of today. Nice if you are not needing the medications that your Doctor says you do. But what the hell, kill off the old people. It will make Obama Care that much more impressive as we all try a 'Logan's Run' for life and then fail to reach our goal of life after 30.
  3. Thats only because you is as cool as me. But really, I get much more work done in less time because of my 'Hardware'. Um that sounded a little odd, but it is true. And BTW that is an old pic. My 'sound card' is a 150 watt stereo. With Boston Acoustics A-40 speakers, (old school) My video is sadly still ddr2 and only 512 bit. But! I am running 4 PC's total that are running win 2000, win xp, win 7, win 2008 and virtual machines... Ubuntu, win 7-64, tiny linux, win - pc, ect. I can at will create a segmented network for school or test purposes. But, I still like Unix. The one, the only real OS out there. Microsoft is trying like hell to have a system as good as Unix from 1957. But, in the end, there can only be one....
  4. for dual monitors. It's the only way to go if you do very much work with the web, documents or possibly, ehem games.
  5. Tell them they are doing it wrong and then make some suggestions so they can "Get better at it".
  6. And those yummy sandwiches! Interesting option. Right next to QSL.
  7. Straight off the little card that came with it.
  8. Suzuki, Kawasaki, Harley, BMW, you forgot Super Motos, dual sports and scooters! Thanks for the first laugh of the day! No, I did not spray coffee on the keyboard!
  9. Don't know. I'm going to give CBR600rrr a call around 3 just to see whats up.
  10. Cool Don't know what you have in mind but we could do the river road loop for a start. 30 miles or so , 15 down the river and 15 back up. Love to hear of another loop in the area. I'm just down Sawmill from you near 270.
  11. I'll be out today. Mid to high 60's. No rain till Sunday night. Anybody else...
  12. Screamin Willies with Djisle :lol:Bring on the chicken wings!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Whew! had to catch my breath there for a moment. :_) My take on this season gives these diversions Mon - ??? Tues - Black Hat Wed - will prolly still be QS&L in Polaris and Hooters all you can eat chicken wings. Yum! Thur ??? Fri - Hooters Hilliard Sat - ??? (Long distance rides) Sun - ??? To many ??
  13. Silence...... More silence...... I'm getting the idea that this is a very up -popular job.
  14. Call "Midnight Moving Company" get all your stuff out of there! Call the Housing authority have the place condemned. (No utilities) Call the BBB and file a complaint against her. Then see the clerk of courts and file a lien against her for the back rent. File a small claims court complaint while your there. Go on line and sign her up for the KKK and the Black Panthers at the same time. Then get creative!
  15. Just to save on bandwidth here is a few pics you might like. All pics are taken by me and your free to use them all gratis. About 20 pics of bikes nights, great ride, meet-n-greet and camping trip. http://anotherealm.com/rollon/ Not the best photographer, cheap camera, may need edited, batteries not included, your mileage may vary, offer void where prohibited, cash value 1/10 of 1 cent.
  16. Congrats on the move up in the job market!

    I'm going out for a small ride today.

    Got in about 100 miles yesterday and feel much better about the world.


  17. Went out for lunch. Found an Arby's about 30 miles away. Yum. Sure is nice out.
  18. I can't say my bike is very sporty, but I just might be up for something. I'm near Dublin if that helps. Correction, it's going to be near 60f today. Will be out riding around, even if I don't have anywhere to go!
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