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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. How would you power such a thing? Car battery?
  2. Still looking for work. But I have been getting a few calls about jobs, just no interviews yet. Other than that, riding when I can and crying when it rains. Can't wait for the warmer weather! 50 is ok but when it gets down into the 30's at night it kinda limits my ride time to daylight only.

    But this is a far cry from last month. When just the effort of shoveling the snow off the bike was so overwhelmingly depressing it made me want to seek help from my local bartender.

    We both cried into our beers and toasted the change of the seasons in loud manly voices. He is getting his KTM super moto ready for the season. Finaly a bike slower than mine on the highway! Ought to be an interesting summer! :)

  3. Try this link, lots of good info on carb tuning. http://www.factorypro.com/tech/carbtune,CV,high_rpm_engines.html Sounds like something with the main jet size, too much... IDK This is becoming a lost art these days.
  4. Thought it was just me, guess not...
  5. The click of death. Don't waste time, when it finally goes, its gone all the way.
  6. The truth about ATM machines. ATM stands for "Automatically Transmit Money" The different transport technologies are related to the language choice on the sign in screen when it asks you to choose a language. So called T-1 lines are used to transmit Treasury bills or US banknotes from the bank to the ATM machine for easy withdrawal by customers. So called E-1 lines are used to transmit European currency such as francs, pounds or deutschmarks from the bank to the ATM machine for easy withdrawal by customers. OC-12 lines are used to transmit "Other Countries" currency such as yen, pesos or the like from the bank to the ATM machine for easy withdrawal by customers. These high capacity lines are configured for the different sizes of the banknotes and exchanges rates from their respective countries. This is why ATM machines are so fast. Source: Al Gore, Inventing the internet - 2000
  7. Isn't the E-1 speed selection used just for Canadian ATM machines?
  8. "Starter clutch" don't know about the V-max but that sure sounds like it would try even if the battery was low. Just a guess but I'm thinking the starter clutch has to spin up to speed before it engages the starter. Kinda like the bendix gear on an old mopar.
  9. :plus1:on the big stick! Sadly no AC power to the shed for goodies. Thinking of a remote car alarm that has a beeper go off when activated. Then, the big stick! Turns out at least three other complexes got hit the same day. Just take a guess what they took each time? Give up? Snow blowers and gas cans.
  10. Check your other thread. Answers for you. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=444072#post444072
  11. Battery water level is a little low. Use only distilled water to fill it, not tap water or you'll kill the battery. Fill it about half way between the lines upper and lower levels. 12.7 volts sounds about right but water/acid level is important too. Try charging the battery and see if that helps. Next check the wires. Are they clean and in good shape? A fast test when the wire is hooked up is to measure from the terminal to the wire. You should have 0 volts. If you have 1 or 2 volts there is your problem, bad connection, not a bad battery. Starters use things called brushes to put the electric into the windings to make the starter motor spin. They are made of carbon and do wear out. The result of this is a dead starter. I have no idea what a brush kit should cost for your bike but $100 sounds high to me. $10 sounds more like it. From your description of the problem, after sitting for the winter, my money is on a bad connection. Loose or corroded connections will do just what you describe. But even so, fill the battery, give it a fresh charge, clean your contacts with a wire brush - both on the battery and on the starter, make it all shiny and try it again. Bet it starts this time.
  12. I agree. DIY. Change oil and plugs. Tension chain - inspect for wear/rust. Tire pressure checked. Fresh gas and go!
  13. A belated Happy Birthday to you! To bad I didn't see this thread in time to make the event.
  14. Went down to IP today. About 20 miles round trip. Nice and toasty warm, no troubles. Ran into some OR peeps getting ready for the season.
  15. Sounds like a winner to me! I'll be happy to help you free up space by taking it off your hands. PM me with directions or a phone #
  16. Just missed you at the IP today. Jager said you were needing a chain tool. Hoblick helped me get my chain squared away. You might want to shoot him a PM to see if he can help you out.

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